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I woke up got drunk and watched love hina.
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>>21788This constant lewd talking that happens on here and other spin-offs. I can't take it I fear I will turn into a pervert if I stay.
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Noir had vaporwave style in the actual early 2000s.
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>>21800what's wrong with that?
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>>21805okay I will try I hope it works but those perverts are EVERYWHERE I might just leave the internet.
>>21807thats a remilia
shes a vampire!!!
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any of you guys into literature? I am gonna try to get into it because I'm bored of anime now and also maybe if I go to libraries enough I'll meet a really cute girl likes literature and avant-garde films and writes poetry and does/likes other really pretentious things and then I'd think about how it would be nice if I could have a girl like that but I can't so then I'd just go back to reading
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>>21808Yes! She also likes to drink human blood, especially B-type blood. She has a sister named Flandre! she is also cute!!
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>>21812well if you'd like to talk about literature and stuff as regular /what/friends that's fine and dandy but I'm not into boys, sorry to disappoint
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>>21814it doesn't work like that
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>>21821you'll never be a girl, no matter how much you delude yourself you'll always be male. you're creeping me out, I'm going to block you
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Sometimes when I go to subway I mess with the clerks.
When I go up to order my sub I would with a deadpan style say what I want in a slightly erotic fashion. The confused expressions they give is always funny…
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>>21850>who let a retard>go to subway by itself>itselfThe word you're looking for is "himself" don't project your mental deficiency onto others.
Clerk: "What would you like?"
Me: "A nice foot long"
Clerk: "Okay…what would you like on it as a condiment?"
Me: "Mayo, across. Back to front and lots of it."
Clerk: "Alright…"
Good times.
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>>21851It's not too hard you just need to be good at not cracking on your delivery, don't smile and stay as monotonous with your voice as possible and keep eye contact. I used to do drama so it's easy for me.
Say lines like this:
"I would like the meatball sub, I love how this place has the best balls, lots a bang for your buck. At other places they're way too small."
"Could you douse it in mayo too? Thanks."
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>>21854You are aware that you can't just make up your own definitions, right?
You also forgot to add some context. It's used to refer to people of the male gender not people as a whole, see me after class. We need to talk extra credit so you don't flunk out of English.
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Damn I love this album.
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>>21881Let's bang my bedroom headboard together.
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Wtf Bill…
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>>21897life is tiresome, let's lie together in bed and cuddle and relax forever
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>>21899Kill yourself, you tranny subhuman. I hope you get attacked by niggers and left to rot in some filthy alleyway. Subhumans like you don't deserve to live, you're a disgrace to not only our species but to your parents as well. On the bright side, it sincerely does make me happy to know that you'll no longer be able to have children once you start taking those body destroying drugs and especially after you mutilate yourself into such a state with cosmetic surgery that your body would literally destroy itself if you stopped taking medicine.
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>>21913That's how twitter's filenaming works. Full-sized images are "extension large.extension". If you see somebody with a twitter filename and it doesn't have "large.extension" at the end feel free to call them a subhuman for saving samples.
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I think Prozac made me gay or at least more gay, every time I take it my gay urges sky rocket.
Can Prozac really make someone gay?
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>>21926I think your posts made me gay or at least more gay, every time I read them my gay urges sky rocket.
Can your posts really make someone gay?
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>>21917Get a better OS.
>>21919You either browse twitter on a mobile, or you're a sample-saving faglet. Which one is it?
>>21925My standards might not be high, but they're not rock bottom. I'd never sink so low as to date somebody that's not only mentally ill but hideously ugly as well.
>>21930Are you using chrome? It only pops up a few times when using firefox but it apparently comes up on chrome alot
for me these are the same size No.21939
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>>21934Firefox. I don't see why the filenames are a big deal honestly, it doesn't have any effect on you other than letting you know that I've saved the non-sample version of the image, and it doesn't really affect me because the thumbnails work fine on windows.
>>21935Boorus are for shitters. 90% of the images I have saved don't make it onto them.
>>21937Tumblr's a waste of time, there are very few artists that put content exclusively on there.
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You are a subhuman faglet if you save samples though.
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>>21943Yeah, I should totally save images that you can only find on twitter from boorus. My life would be
so much easier if I didn't save any images at all. Idiot.
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>>21950If you want me to stop you're gonna have to make me.
>>21927I don't know why that happens but it does. A lot of girls have p
*s that are darker colored than their bodies too.
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>>21928>>21929Um, I was just doing a play on words since gay can also mean happy and with Prozac being an anti-depressant and all.
Bad joke I guess…
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♬(ノ^_^)ノ⁾⁾♪ < OOOH I FEEL THE RHYTHM.
♬(ノ^o^)ノ⁾⁾♪ < AND DANCE, DANCE!
>>21957>>21926Has Prozac made you happy, and has it not negatively effected your sex drive?
Do you think it's ok to pretend as if this drug is your medication, rather than just a mind-altering drug you use for the purpose of altering your mind, and that it's ok that you are physically addicted to it?
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>gnfos hong kong dick spammer
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>>21952i'm going to fuck you in the ass
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>>21971>Has Prozac made you happy, Yes, it fixed the issue of chemical imbalance in my brain.
>and has it not negatively effected your sex drive?No, I'm sex drive is the same as it ever was. i talked to my doctor about it, it's a common side-effect but only in higher doses and that not all SSRIs cause that.
>Do you think it's ok to pretend as if this drug is your medication, rather than just a mind-altering drug you use for the purpose of altering your mind, and that it's ok that you are physically addicted to it?Picture related.
>>21974>it fixed the issue of chemical imbalance in my brain.There is no such thing as a physical test to tell whether or not someone has a "chemical imbalance". Go ahead and ask your psychiatrist for one to verify you have a "chemical imbalance", you won't get one.
The chemical imbalance hypothesis has no proof to it, and is merely a hypothesis that has been strongly pushed as if it was a fact by pharmaceutical companies and psychiatry.
SSRIs, or any other psychiatric drug, do not fix any "chemical imbalance". They are simply mind-altering drugs that may alter your mind in some way which might be seen as psychologically beneficial in some people's opinion.
>not all SSRIs cause that.All SSRIs have been known to cause that.
>tin-foil hatSSRIs are physically addictive drugs, people who have been taking them long enough suffer withdrawals if they stop taking them. This is widely known, there is numerous amounts of info on SSRI withdrawals, and even communities for people who suffer from them.
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>>21975>There is no such thing as a physical test to tell whether or not someone has a "chemical imbalance". Go ahead and ask your psychiatrist for one to verify you have a "chemical imbalance", you won't get one.I already did and yes there isn't and that's why they speak to you about your issues, that's how they find out.
>The chemical imbalance hypothesis has no proof to it, and is merely a hypothesis that has been strongly pushed as if it was a fact by pharmaceutical companies and psychiatry.Actually no, the place I go to doesn't push medication on people and even offer alternatives like yoga and self-awareness/relaxation groups.
>SSRIs, or any other psychiatric drug, do not fix any "chemical imbalance". They are simply mind-altering drugs>do not fix any "chemical imbalance".>They are simply mind-altering drugsI don't even know how anyone can have this line of thinking…
>SSRIs are physically addictive drugs, people who have been taking them long enough suffer withdrawals if they stop taking them. This is widely known, there is numerous amounts of info on SSRI withdrawals, and even communities for people who suffer from them.Yes, you can withdraw. In the same sense you can withdraw from coffee. This is why you don't stop cold turkey. You talk to your doctor about coming off of it and they'll lower the dose until things even out.
>>21976>>21976>Actually no, the place I go to doesn't push medication on people and even offer alternatives like yoga and self-awareness/relaxation groups.I never said anything about specifically your psychiatrist(s).
>I don't even know how anyone can have this line of thinking…What is your line of thinking, that altering the way in which your brain works also inherently means it's fixing a biological issue in your brain?
>In the same sense you can withdraw from coffeeYou're in for a big surprise if you think the withdrawals are comparable to caffeine. You'll probably experience SSRI withdrawals one day, and maybe you might be tapered off slowly and it won't bother you much, but that's the best scenario there is.
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>>21977>I never said anything about specifically your psychiatrist(s).Better to speak from experience then to pull things out my butt which I only do on Wednesdays.
>What is your line of thinking?Rational.
>that altering the way in which your brain works also inherently means it's fixing a biological issue in your brain?>fixing a biological issue Uh, Prozac and other SSRIs and not seen as cures, they're used in aid with therapy.
>You're in for a big surprise if you think the withdrawals are comparable to caffeine.Been there, done that. It works like caffeine, a depressing crash that lasts about 2-4 weeks and depending on the dose taken it can feel really bad or not so much. Same goes with you drink coffee daily for years and quit.
>>21979But someone is wrong on the internet, I must do something….
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>>21981>but I get a really strong feeling that this is a lie.That's just your cognitive dissonance kicking in.
>>21982Of course that's why psychologists and biologist work together, when it comes to the mind and body they're a lot of over lapping on these issues. When a person is feeling depressed its clear to those around him/her through how they are social and the way they are physically. Someone with depression may eat unhealthy or not at all. That causes body issues.
When this is happening the person clearly needs help with an issue so with aid with therapy they give medication. Safer than Psys drugs in my opinion.
I've read the works of Kibeom Lee and Micheal C. Ashton, it helps with giving this stuff more context.
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Also MKUltra.
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Anybody else hate it when two people are having an argument and you don't agree with either of them? It's such a frustrating feelio, especially when one of them shares a similar view to you but their reason for holding it is completely fucking retarded and they can't argue for shit.
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>>21968I want to apologize to you >>21967-san
I actually really like this Chi-chan screenshot and I'm happy you shared it. Sorry.
No.22022 animals are so intelligent, this was very similar to two human teenagers trying to show off to eachother.
They have very human-like sexual relations too. No.22027
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It looks like I'm not going not going to have a close friend for the rest of my life
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Me outside mike's house.
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God likes me
I am the best
Fuck everybody else
Suck on my dick
I’m perfect
I am the best
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>>22049Me outside mike's house.
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All the vomit inside amplified by the fact that I keep on forgetting to make spaghetti, and provide the right type of spaghetti for my family, because man these goddamn foodstamps don't buy spaghetti
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I had a cut on my wrist I must have gotten on the way because I just noticed it when I got home. I think my max'd END might kill me sometime.
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Monday morning.
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>>22084LMAO you just sent that nerd flying into the OWNZONE
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I finally managed to score a good date, cant wait to go to the movies tomorrow…
We're going to see The Witch.
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>>22110He's not anyone from the /jp/ spin-offs, I don't want to violate privacy so I wont say his name.
He looks like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev though which is something.
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>>22112Of course, He said the time we will have at the theater will blow me away.
Can't wait…
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>>22117Pretty sure its only a joke.
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Hot stuff cuming through.
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I'm learning to sing this sad song about suicide and giving up…I'm gonna sing it to ねえちゃん so she won't be sad anymore! wish me luck /what/…
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It's cold so I'm going to cover myself in blankets while surfing the web
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Well that date went every awkward….He was overly shy, only spoke in single sentences, little eye contact and walk behind me a lot..until I changed my walking pace so he couldn't do that anymore.
When we got inside I asked what said we should sit at…he couldn't make-up his mind so I picked left.
Though he was very awkward I'm still giving him another chance.
The movie was good too.
I was impressed by the child actors.
>>22180>date went every*date went very
>I asked what said we*I asked what side we
He also was triple my size in height…
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i thought the gay stuff was all a joke but you guys are gay what the fuck gross
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>>22182Thanks for the thought…!
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>>22194>Pisceslol ur a fish.
Happy B-day.
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>>22194happy b-day
here's a birthday cake image (i didn't draw it)
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I suck at this game..god damn.
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I did get that last kill it's just cut off.
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Welcome to the future
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I always try to prevent people from killing themselves. If they are put off from doing it they usually end up feeling far worse afterwards, making their suffering much more enjoyable. To hear them mope about and complain about the woes of life after makes the effort worth it.
No.22275 this exists, kind of funny. You know how some games like Fallout3 or Doom3 take place in some dystopian universe, and have a system where messages are left around by people? I feel like I'm viewing messages from something like that. Stuff like this, notice the date of the posts they banned discussion of Evangelion. No.22278
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>>22276>>22277 originally found it trying to look up this, which is about the only result online I could find regarding this hat.
>>22284You could see why I was putting it off.
Not my fault my house is so dusty either, I clean all the time it's just impossible for there not to be dust. Even if I clean the dust out of my computer it will just build right back up.
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>>22282thank you whatmin for fixing the server and being such a good and kind admin
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You guys should try putting depilatory cream on your testicles, it hurts really good….
Make sure to have some ice handy.
>>22287I live in an old house with carpet.
>>22288>>22286Thanks but pls.
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>>22289I think I'll just stick to shaving but thanks…
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>>22293The pain is bad but not the worse, the mix of burning pain from the cream plus the numbness you'll get from the ice it feels pretty good.
But the shock did almost make me puke…
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>>22296Here's your chance!
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This thread was deleted but I was able to save it for anyone who missed it
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>whatmin at the /what/ meet up
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So I got my new BF to come to my apartment, we shared cookies and played video games. He made a bet that if I lost I would need to walk around the rest of the day in my cosplay….I lost.
After that we just cuddled(while I had it on)and talked about books like A Clockwork Orange as well as psychology and poems.
I ended up totally forgetting about sex.
In a way that felt way better…
When he left I started feeling pretty down.
>>22387It did feel a bit like a dream when I was with him before he showed up I truly felt alone but now there is at lest one person (I could meet) that likes me for what I am.
Not for my looks but for the good company I can keep….
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>>22389Another *chansite, I'm really glad I gave him a 2nd chance after the first awkward meet because on the 2nd one he told me he has ancestry to a Prince and it turned out to be true! He kept it hidden on the first because you didn't want to be a show-off.
It felt like something right out of fiction but it wasn't.
>>22390Very funny…I don't meet people from there I only submit my fiction on it.
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>>22391>because you didn't*because he didn't
Oops..I have a hard time typing when I'm exited.
I guess I'll say these few things since I don't know how much time I can make out to post here and other spin-offs now, I hope everyone here who's alone finds someone who they can love and be loved back. You don't need to be the best looking person..or the smartest but you gotta keep looking, don't give up. I hope you guys make it too one day…this even goes to the people who don't really like me.
I've been thought hell…and it made me look like it but I still managed to win at something.
You guys really mean a lot to me.
Even though I may of showed it in a dickish way, sorry about that.
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>>22395Don't respond to me, FAG! I don't want to get your gay germs on me.
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>>22396Okay…I'll make my leave now. was pretty fun…posting on these parts, maybe I could still make time out to annoy people..I mean post here.
In the future…
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>>22396Can I respond to you?
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Yes she's very cute!
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>>22424she is and she'll suck you dry!