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/what/ - mugi

The Society for the Study of Hairy Boosy
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No. 18774

Honestly, I think the most shameful thing I've done in my life is actively post on this board.

I really think I'm a worse person as a result of my participation here.

I feel like I waste a lot of my energy participating in and reading the discussions.

I remember how productive and creative I was when I wasn't an active poster.

I really think it has something to do with this place in particular, not forums or the internet in general.

I think it's the fact that I've willingly spent so much of my time interacting with such lowlifes is probably the saddest part of all of this.

How awful.


This appears not be copypasta



That was my post as well. Thank you for remembering it, it makes my departure a little bit less miserable.


I agree to an extend although I think this just applies to image boards in general.

I want to leave but I don't have much else to do and this is the only form of interaction that I have with anyone unrelated really.

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