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>>17547A fag with a cute girlfriend.
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Girls are shit.
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Rate my girlfriend, she's the one dressed as Eno
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Hey guys please r8 my gf, she's the one dressed as Matoi Ryuko.
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Rate my girlfriend, she's the one dressed as Tsukuyo. No.17914
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Rate my gf.
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>>17914Is that you? can you take some more photos like this one for example?
>>18544All these people bullying her on tho comments….
"s it a 15 years old boy ?
I'm asking because it has no tits and too skinny."
"your nipples are bigger than your tits. Also from a distance, it looks like you have a cross-eyed torso."
"wtf,you a model?how ungly must be the girls in your country?……
thats the reason you eat crap…………"
>>18579I never read youtube comments so I didn't see them, mostly because youtube comments are really bad like that.
The people saying those mean things to her have a special place reserved in hell for them.
>>18587I don't know, she looks more attractive than the large majority of women and even models to me. Like she's 10/10 imo.
A lot of models don't even actually look attractive, it's just they're skinny and they dump tons of make up on them.
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rate my gf