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I am sick of this country, it's far too hot and sunny, it's not suitable for white people to live in.
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You can't help that. We're all sane here. I'm sane. You're sane.
>>17400I don't know. I just sort of lost my grip on reality and went kind of crazy I think. I don't remember much because when I realized what was going on I knocked myself out with benzos.
>>17401>>17402not here, but I mean when I visit certain other boards
>>17404If you fight going crazy it will only get worse. Chances are you'll be back to normal soon, and you just have to simply accept being crazy for the time being.
I often feel perceptual disconnects from reality. Sometimes I feel my existence stored in the back of my skull near my brain stem, with projections from my eyes coming in, and my body being nothing more than a flesh machine connected to my real self. The connection to the physical world is a flimsy and cheap one, that most people don't see until they finally reach death.
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Ugh.. The vast majority of this country is a desert, even the cooler bits of my state are quite hot and the places in this country where it is actually livable would be Tasmania, a few of the elevated areas and some of the parts of the Eastern states but it is obviously not practical to move there on my income and it would not change the other problems with this country. I don't live in the actual desert, I live in one of the coolest areas in my state and it's still quite hot.
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I really liked this episode.
>>17437You and most of society are ignorant hypocrites when it comes to that though.
Methamphetamine has very little difference between amphetamine or dextroamphetamine, which is commonly prescribed to children for a made-up disease because they don't pay attention in school. If you blind-tested a "druggie" with equivalent doses of methamphetamine and dextroamphetamine, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Do you ever lecture people about how bad dextroamphetamine is though? No. Methamphetamine actually isn't as bad as most people think. Amphetamines in general are bad, but methamphetamine is no worse than the (dextro)amphetamine they give children all the time, which those same people complaining about meth seem to not care about.
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>>17446>not as potentWeight-for-weight potency doesn't mean anything. It's like saying wine is worse than beer because wine has a higher alcohol content weight-for-weight.
>can at least be used with the pretext of medical intention.In the same way so can methamphetamine, it comes under the brand name Desoxyn. It's not as commonly prescribed because of the social stigma. What medical uses are you talking about anyway? Giving it to children for a made-up disease because they won't/can't focus in school or they're too hyperactive isn't a legitimate medical reason. Maybe you could argue giving it to narcoleptics is ok, but it's really hard for me to imagine legitimate medical use of amphetamines.
>>17454The reason they're complaining is usually lacking in one key competent of understanding.
I was talking about specifically amphetamines, because there is almost no difference between (dextro)amphetamine and methamphetamine. People fail to realize this. Ritalin isn't an amphetamine, it's a somewhat similar stimulant. These people who argue against giving mind-altering drugs to children, often argue for completely different contradicting reasons against adults using the same mind-altering drugs, without even realizing they're the same drugs.
>>17488stay safe, haysuz
everyone else should stop arguing
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You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?
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>>17511Bans aren't invincible.
>>17537Kill me with your hug.
>>17541Doesn't matters, just do it.
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Moshi moshi anime desu
Dear Sir/Madam,
I Am ALY MOHAMMED, an Accountant with the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (N.N.P.C.). I Headed A Seven-Man Tenders Board In Charge Of Contract Awards And Payment Approvals. I Came To Know Of You In My Search For A Reliable And Reputable Person To Handle A Very confidential Transaction Which Involves The Transfer Of A Huge Sum Of Money To A Foreign Account. There Were Series Of Contracts Executed By A Consortium Of Mufti-Nationals In The Oil Industry In Favour Of N.N.P.C. The Original Value Of This Contracts Were Deliberately Over-Invoiced To The Sum Of USD$30,000,000.00 (Thirty Million United States Dollars)this Amount Has Been Approved And Is Now Ready To Be Transferred, Being That The Companies That Actually Executed These Contracts Have Been Fully Paid And The Projects Officially Commissioned.
Consequently, My Colleagues And I Are Willing To Transfer The Total Amount To Your Account For Subsequent Disbursement, Since We, Civil Servants Are Prohibited By The Code Of Conduct Bureau (Civil Service Law) From Operating And/or-opening Foreign Accounts In Our Names. Needless To Say, The Trust Reposed On You At This Juncture Is Enormous.
In Return, We Have Agreed To Offer You 25% Of The Transferred Sum, While 10% Shall Be Set Aside For Incidental Expenses (Internal And External) Between Parties In The Course Of The Transaction.
You Will Be Mandated To Remit The Balance To Other Accounts In Due Course. Modalities Have Been Worked Out At The Highest Level Of The Ministry Of Finance And The Central Bank Of Nigeria (C.B.N.) For The Immediate Transfer Of The Funds Within 14 Working Days Subject To Your Satisfaction Of The Above Stated Terms. Our Assurance Is That Your Role Is Risk Free. To Accord This Transaction The Legality It Deserves And For Mutual Security Of The Funds The Whole Approval Procedures Will Be Officially And Legally Processed With Your Name Or The Name Of Any Company You May Nominate As The Benefice Beneficiary.
Once More, I Want You To Understand That Having Put In Over Ten Years In The Civil
Service Of My Country, I Am Averse To Having My Image And Career Dented. This Matter Should Therefore Be Treated With The Utmost Secrecy And Urgency It Deserves. Kindly Expedite Action As We Are Behind Schedule To Enable Us Include This Transfer In This Batch Which Would Constitute The Second Quarter Payments For The 2015 Financial Year.
Yours Sincerely,
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What does that means?
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I'm not downloading this…
>>17564Do you want me to mail you a
hard copy?
>>17564That looks worse than that one in Africa. India and indians are truly disgusting. She must have a really low opinion of herself to willing be subjected to such a gross humilliation.
Where can I download it?
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While foreigners from Africa are outnumbered by Japanese natives by 4551%, per capita Africans are responsible for 3.5 times as much crime as Japanese natives.
>>17566>>17576It's from a private tracker for JAV called OppaiTime.
India is really dirty btw, wherever there's major groups of people it's mostly just a stinky rank nasty dirty place.
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Ughh… I am surrounded by degenerates.
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Sorry I don't have it. I hope this picture of Russian terrorists with a cake will make up for it.
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I installed FAR Manager and it's pretty cool
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i found a famous image!
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being alive sure is nice…
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>>17729existing more like EXHAUSTING lmao
>>17729>>17734life is muzukashi
but youo must alwasy… ganbatte your best
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spent the day playing king of fighets on a arcade machine against a little girl i never met before. bretty cool i guess
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great job
>>17756I'd prefer it if it spun in the middle, like
>>17757 does.
File: 1447620271487.png (313.05 KB, 704x396, original.png) has native nnedi3 upscaling implemented now.
It's incredibly slow at higher settings. I can't even turn it up to it's highest settings because it just freezes Xorg, but this is a comparison with nnedi3 with almost highest settings, and with just jinc upscaling. It's so slow at these settings that it plays about 1 frame for every 5 seconds for me.
Options used for both:
nnedi3 options:
>>17786Fucking kill yourself homo
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lol xD
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I tried my best today!
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No good deed goes unpunished.
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I finished this movie.
He never fugs the boosy but it's implied he will fug that boosy eventually
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It always hurts when things come to an end
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>>17869this is my first post in this thread you must be smelling mordin
>>17875Good luck.
I'm going to post something very interesting in 25 minutes by the way.
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>>17877No problem I just did.
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gnfos is back up should I hack it again?
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Wish real girls would wear cute bows and tear drops.
No.17911 wrote a python script to download images from 4chan threads. Yes you could use the JSON API or wget, but this was mainly just to practice using BeautifulSoup. It's a good example of basic use of argparse for simple command line programs, urllib, and BeautifulSoup if anyone cares.
soup.find_all("a", class_="fileThumb")
This will give you all <a> tags with the class "fileThumb" in them, you can use to <var>.get() to get the content of a certain attribute.
For example it looks like this
<a class="fileThumb" href="//" target="_blank">
And you're getting the href attribute out of it. It's so simple it's not even programming.
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how do i give up bitterness and become a cute poster like elsy remianon and gooey
>>17932elsy and gooey were on steam recenttly though i fear for remianon…….
>>17933because you are not one, i cant be a manly man like you if you are not a manly man yourself
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I believe this is every official Haibane manga/artbook. No.17948
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>>17947Not even Norton can save you now.
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>>17961What kind of anxiety?
Anxiety about dying or medical issues? Anxiety about what you're going to do in the future? Anxiety about social issues? Anxiety about personal appearance?
>>17964anxiety about the future is the biggest one. I'm not going to be able to live at my parent's house for too much longer and part of me kinda doesn't want to live here either - having my own cozy apartment sounds kinda appealing. I could finally line my walls with anime figs without worrying about someone seeing them.
but i need a job to do that and looking for a job is the most stressful thing I've done. I've thought things like 'it would be easier to just kill myself than go through with this' more times in the past few weeks than the past two years.
>>17965I'm sorry, /what/friend. I always feel bad when I blog too much here. I'll try to make more non-blogshit posts to make up for it.
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From now on I'm going to try to refrain from meanposting. If you see me meanposting here or on t-p, don't be afraid to call me out on it, please help me change
>>18006Good luck!
>>18005I'm not in Canada so no.
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>>18008You are the banal.
>>18004>How do you deal with it?Badly.
I wish I could just find a low stress job that lets me work from home.
Please don't say hurtful things to your friendos… If you're having a bad day just tell them you don't feel like talking right now!
>>18041He'll know that you didn't mean it if he sees this thread but you should still apologize to him in person!
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I'll try to go this whole week without cummies. Please wish me luck, /what/.
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Sometimes I have to take a shit but I hold it in because it stims my prostate.
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