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/what/ - mugi

The Society for the Study of Hairy Boosy
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No. 16654

Anyone else rembering good times with /jp/easys? Anyone else have heart crusing sadness recently? Heart broken before?

Name some animes that are nostalgic and make you or remind you of good old times or share your saddness


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That one engrish episode of Ika Musume.


Are you going to make it Sean? Tell me honest.


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I did but you just have to push ion, there is nothing else to be done and crying over it would be most unbecoming of one.


Stop posting any time.


And I mean it in a good way, imageboards are a toxic community, you need to move on from them in order to find happiness, don't waste your time hanging with these losers, you need to make something of yourself.


I know I should but I just can't find too much else to spend my time on. I may be getting a source of income soon though so I can find things to keep me entertained and hopefully spend less time on image boards.


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Only when I'm in Japan. Physically and medically speaking though, I'll be recovered fully in a few weeks.

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