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No. 586954

You know those NPCs in video games that give you a power-up or key item but only if you're above a certain level? Women are like that, they scan your bone structure to see if you qualify to use your body's reproductive functions


how do i level up my bone structure


You must complete quests and gain experience points.


Just read Summertime Rendering, thought a lot about Sagrada Reset during it and how it was much better.


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Get a celectomy.
But be careful people are going to treat you a lot different. You'll be gawked at in public a lot because you'll be the prettiest thing in the room.


why did it have to turn into a battle shounen


Well it was always a shonen jump manga after all


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thinking about sumire


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Sumire means violet in Japanese


Queen cel


poorsonar 5 the roylel


wow people on imageboards bully her shes just like me


My urge to mate has returned after a three month absence


Plastic surgery always looks bad though


why did it stop for three months? is there something you'd like to tell us?


hibernation now hes rutting


It made me go from 4/10 subhuman doomcel to 7/10 highnorm without even trying. Leaning out could possibly reach 8/10.
Definitely worth the money if you have some blatant fixable flaws even my own mother said the difference was hugely positive.


What's a celectomy



I usually don't engage with this stuff because everything has been discussed to death from both sides but it really hurts to get blamed for what's happening. Women in general don't want to be chased emotionally. They don't want you to be the invested party.

I remember when everyone laughed about Japan's declining birth rates and I knew it was coming for us. I just didn't know it would be this fast.


I hadn't even read the whole thing and it just gets worse.


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>over 60% of men under 30 are single
>double the % of single women under 30

This means ~50% of women under 30 in a relationship are dating men over 30.

Is it because women like older men? No.

Is it because women like money? Yes obviously.

Older men have more money, assets, and income. Younger men are poorer than ever, and no money = no pussy.

The problem is almost entirely socioeconomic, not looks as you think.


The problem is [the one facet of a complex issue that is personal to me].


My true love exists and I will find Her!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


sigh shouldnt have clicked im pilled again


What is this leaning out? New drug?


No brainlet
They aren't dating old creeps, they actively mock anyone over the age of 30 thinking they have a right to date a <26 year old

Women have figured they would rather share a Chad than to have an average man all to themselves


My true pussy exists and I will fuck Her!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


>As young women continued to pursue intimate relationships less intently post-pandemic, men could have increased their relationship skills to close the effort gap. They could have confronted their relative avoidance and challenged the gender norms that made them so anxious about intimacy.
Uh they could have? How? Where? In this guy's idealized leftist world?


Okay it's true I didn't take into account polygamy, but a man in a relationship with 2+ women at the same time has to be 1-2% tops of women under 30 in a relationship.


Every instance of polyamy means a man has to settle for a woman that is beneath his actual worth if everyone was monogamous. And that's only when Chad settles for two women.

If polyamy makes a man have to settle for a woman 30% lower than he otherwise would have for example, is he even going to make that choice? The pool of viable women for a man who isn't that big to begin with. A jump of 30% might mean you're with a fat single mother with no prospects beyond clinging to men. Or maybe a mentally ill chain smoking woman who was raped by her uncle. 20% or 10% might also be unacceptable.

Women are much happier with sharing Chad if every woman has a master's degree and works in middle management getting a good salary making sure everything is diverse.


(*  ̄︿ ̄)


``actual worth" is something decided after the fact, you can charge whatever you want for a product, it doesn't mean it has that much value unless someone actually pays for it


As a society, we aren’t good at teaching young men to do emotional labor in relationships. There are plenty who will work to catch you but stop putting in the effort once it is clear that the have won your affections. There are others who are happy to do the heavy lifting of relationship maintenance. One of my boyfriends is really good at this. He makes a point of checking on me via text regularly, and he plans our weekly hikes so that all I have to do is show up, boots on. When we are together, he gives me loads of eye contact and little touches to make sure I know that he is present with me, even when we are just sitting on the sofa playing on our phones or watching TV. I know without a doubt that I am loved and that my time with him is valued.


You are arguing about what words we should use to talk about concepts rather than arguing about the concepts themselves.

Look at the stable marriage problem for a small population and then see what happens to the matches when Chad is taking multiple women. Men end up with women lower on their preference list than they would have if no polyamy was going on. So the problem isn't just that polyamy takes up some amount of women, it degrades the quality of the entire woman pool by moving the male ladder downward.


you're right, I am, I don't disagree with any of your actual assertions


I'm squeezing out a huge turd!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


I will create good in this world!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


I will squirt out a good turd in this world!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Can you not talk about gross things like that? I want to see more posts about anime girl pussy when I come to ota


do not care about this
talk about Sagrada Reset instead, if you haven't watched it yet you should


I will fuck good pussy in this world!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


what does pussy feel like
whats the difference between good and bad pussy


I don't know probably some brain chemical problem.
There are months that go by with no interest at all and then there are months when I want to jerk it multiple times a day.


I just want to wrap my tentacles around a young girl and smell her hair and feast on her delights. Not as in eating her but just sexually. I would love to touch her milky thighs and lift up her shirt and run my fingers all over her

However my efforts to do this so far have failed. Maybe I need to wait until they make robots just like tasty young girls but I fear the technology will not come as soon as some people think. My brother thinks it will be within five years but he is wrong.


mega creep post





Feel like my newfound radiance is making me arrogant used to compare my physique to others in public to ensure I was the juiciest now I compare who is the most beautiful including the women



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is that ultra necrozma


its volcaronas scrapped mega evolution


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go back


can't mom says I'm not allowed to cross the street by myself


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it's okay grown ups are creeps who like to hold innocent children's hands the secret to crossing the street alone that adults don't want you to know is to not look both ways and cross only when you see the don't walk light it's stands for don't walk with shady grown up creeps


girls have pussies


under a girls cute little skirt is an even cuter pair of panties and then under that is a cute-as-a-button pink pussy and pretty little ass hole


many girls dont wear skirts


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wearing a skirt don't make you a woman that's what my friend said

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