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No. 561248

Did you end up the worst off out of everyone you knew growing up?


Yes. Alcoholic weeb with no job, jack of all trades, master of none


i still live in the same neighborhood
all the kids (pre highschool) i knew who lived there are long gone. only one who was quite a bit younger is still around because his family owns a lot of land and he runs a earthmoving business now

the people i knew from highschool all own houses and some have families. the people who were "losers" and smoking weed at 14 then dropped out now are doing fine

except one who cooked himself on drugs.. im doing better than him

it's like it was all bullshit, all of it


3 of my friends are dead. Two died because of diabetes and liver disease. The third one got murdered in a local park. Another one of my friends I recently learned got married to a Japanese girl when he met when he escaped from America. I learned a classmate of mine became a police informant and was told not to talk to him.
I'm doing alright nowadays better than when I was younger.


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yeah they're all married and starting families. at least i have money and figures


No a couple of them are worse off. I have a degree, a job, and my own car though. I would basically be a norm if I didn't live with mom and wasn't a virgin.



wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouf




Even the guy that really screwed up and started cooking/using meth and ended up going to prison got out and lives in a trailer park had no problem getting gfs and currently has a fiance that is more attractive than I would ever be allowed to look at


it's because of his winning personality


work on your personality


The big cope


It's not even a cope. It boils down to the ultimate misogynistic belief that women aren't smart enough to see through your social lies. If you can fool yourself about your own worth, women aren't any smarter.


This guy is pilled


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its all about the height and bone structure bros!! no im not a pussy thats scared of approaching women i swear!! i just know im gonna get rejected because of my microscopic cel bone structure!! why yes i will keep blaming women for my insecurity its their fault for not allowing me to talk to them

this is like saying you hate heights but have never been higher than a 2 story building just admit youre a pussy


When did I ever say I'm NOT a pussy?


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think even if i didnt live with dad nothing would change so whats the point


٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ BAD THREAD!!! ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ USELESS THREAD!!! ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶


dont touch strangers without their consent idiot


I'm a bad useless person


٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ Stop saying bad negative things. You are hurting your own mind by doing so. ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ There are enough obstacles in life, you shouldn't make yourself one of them. ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶


shut it teen


Virg detected


if you're an aspie turning to mgtow redpill youtube videos for tips on how to cold approach people you're too retarded to even begin attempting to read the social cues and body language that tell you its okay to touch a strange.

so yes, without a written consent contract you should never touch a stranger.


It's literally just
>Be attractive
>Don't be unattractive


isnt that convenient that your world view absolves one of any responsibility for how social interactions turn out. funny.


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I don't talk good ok


blam blam blam there's your personality bitch


Holy projection you really think that everyone who knows the truth about the world has never asked a girl out???
The only reason I am down this path is because I did and I got rejected, it's their fault through their direct action. Things would have gone differently if I was very attractive. That's literally all there is to it. If you are attractive you can speak in tongues all the time and they won't care, they'll think you're mysterious and esoteric and cute and that you are brave for living with that language barrier.
Whereas if you're not attractive the sound coming out of your mouth could be the sweetest sounding voice of the Lord God himself flowing like the smoothest honey from golden bees and they would be disgusted and reject you for as long as it takes for you to become convinced that even that heavenly voice must be the devil's.


delusional boidrager

recommended action: not posting


He's NOT wrong, the halo effect is proven science.


Listen to this song it's really good and inspirational. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
Don't fill your head with sad thoughts that only seek to entice you towards ruin. Uplift your soul and work towards your own goals that you want. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


Don't post that western norm shite.


some of them are dead


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fat and unshaven immediately closed


Being ugly means he's going to know far more about the Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpill.

It's over for you it's over for us.


obesity and neckbeard stubble are choices


It wasn't inspirational to me, actually I didn't even understand if it was for taking on other peoples burden or against, but anyway that aside, it made me think about how I don't have any song or video or anything with 187 million views in just 3 months and I got sad


I read somewhere that stubble is womens preferred facial hair before clean and full beard


hahahahaha no


you could get 187 million views too if you had a marketing team to shovel your derivative pop music to children with no impulse control and unrestricted access to mobile devices


Don't forget the money to but ad views.


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Just woke up from a dream about my internet friend that I met around 2009 and talked to a lot during the early 2010s we never met in person but I dreamed we were throwing darts and then we were getting our fishing poles together to go fishing but then I remembered when we stopped talking as much for a while and when we met again he had become a norm the norms stole him from me.


'It was quite a while - three to five seconds. He smirked at me, he didn't stop he just touched me and walked off and I broke down crying

ya talk not rub do you not know the difference


great discovery columbus its almost like people have a choice not to date you i rejected a fat chick in highschool yes i would have dated her if she was good looking that was my choice dont give up after the first try




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I love when some norm starts up the I never see you talk to girls just talk to girls bro because they live in an entirely different happy happy normworld and are ignorant to the seething hatred that even the grossest foids have for unattractive men in this day and age.


what outcomes are you expecting then a scene from your cartoons where a girl trips in front of you while picking her stuff up she falls in love with you be realistic here youre going to have to talk to girls to increase your chances what are your other options


Not really the worst off but in the bottom 25% of income probably. I have no interest in women or building a family. I have no interest in making more money than I need or saving for the future. The plan has always been to kill myself when it becomes too hard to live the way I want


Cel death is the only future I can foresee whenever I run the numbers. At least like this you can go out with some modicum of dignity rather than jestermaxxing and becoming some foid's emotional tampon she unloads on when Chad beats her.

As the great Saint Hamudi once said: I was born and then my life was over.


My other option is gaming hard and dying cel while occasionally crying about how lonely I am on 4chan spinoffs.


I dont even understand why norms want to live so badly or why they have any objection to suicide. Plenty of people I know are dead and I don't even feel sad for them just relief that they dont have to suffer or see the world turn to shit more than necessary


why so edgy


Kuso thread ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶


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It's too late hurtler, I've already sewn the seeds of despair. Now they will suffer and it's time to feast.


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hurdle-tan faito dayo


Love chatting with my female coworkers racing at the track lifting at the gym getting free unsolicited sexual favors from random women having meet ups with the bros and most of all telling everyone all about how much of completely removed from society uber blackpilled cel and NOT a norm I am at himasugi dot blog and ota dash ch dot com


i didnt give up after that i gave up when i realized other guys were getting approached by women
the girls show some attraction and THEN the guys ask them out that was the secret all along, if you have for force your way in you will fail that was why I failed
it's an uphill battle even when a girl show some attraction, so if a girl doesn't show attraction you are trying to climb a 90 degree frictionless wall which is why you'll get nowhere even if you spend years trying to get even a bit higher


Its not like that


pretty sure turts NOT a virgin kind of makes his cel posts seem more obnoxious than funny and relatable really hate how norms have co-opted cel culture


Nah I'm virg if you saw my face it would make sense.


ive seen your pics and thats no cel visage


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I may have gotten autistic and screwed up again Otamin its just like my cars when I buy them they're normal but before long they become loud and barely streetable and moderately illegal.


you cant talk about hjtron like that



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pasted otatron


NOThin paste hes a norm


Nothin norm about a 405lb bench press


hes NOT a norm


gymnorm gymnorm


sorry made my decision hes a norm but what can you expect from the cord gang


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How can you tell if someone is a norm anyway what makes someone a norm


God has not completely forsaken the cel as he has given each and every one an internal norm radar, to know who is a norm instantly with the minimum of information.
Just a name can tell me if you're norm or not.

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