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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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No. 7019

Does anyone feel disgust whenever you see normie stuff?


I don't know what any of those are?


gnfos post that all the time


Constantine is /jp/ material, newfig


I don't know how many people stomach basic cable television shows. When you are in a family or in a relationship you will watch a show or really do the other persons interests time to time because you love them and you each take on each other's interests because you become more selfless.

Reguardles of why you watch the normies shows it doesn't mean you enjoy them. You simply enjoy the other person enjoying things simultaneously they equate that happiness with you.


I can feel their TV affecting my well-being through the walls


I always felt gross aftwr watching television.

It was sick to my stomach a lot of the time while people sat and watched it as I tried drawing or reading. It was like I could feel my energy and brain being sacked away from me. It was like I was becoming ill. Something wast right.

I then learned a few years ago that studies show if a person watches television more than one hour a day in a 24 hour span their brainass is show to reduce. It is not an understatement or over exaggeration anymore when people say television makes a person dumb.

There is a huge section of sociologists, communication experts, and neurological doctors in the field of study who critisizes the media of making and producing television programing to be an unethical use of the television depending on the subject and constant degenerate as they label it such.

Television is a big smoke and mirror propaganda outlet that's gotten out of control through its manipulation from the government and powers that exist to ruin lives.

Movies have less consequences than television and seem to contribute more in terms of less violence and sexual degenerates as independent film makers and documentaries can be accessed more than cable networking preprogrammed schedules.


don't pan television as a whole, there are some good shows.




What does a brainass look like? Can someone proved a picture?


There are friends. I agree. Television has both grown and declined through the decades.

The first television ever made was the black box of Satan and an all seeing eye on it though. TV probably was known since it's origins to be used in a sinister way though.



It looks cool cause there's an angel and also I can relate to Keanu Reeves on a Human level


think ill download this


It's a pretty demonic movie tbh.

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