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No. 3582

>want to blog
>don't want to do that on gnfos
>everyone would recognize me

Either way here comes my blog
>spend days to pick presents for my family.
>get presents for every one specific for their taste and hobbies.
>christmas eve
>get in return an envelope with a 50€ bill and an envelope with a 25€ coupon
Seriously, fuck everyone. Christmas was used to be giving presents and not just some impersonal paper. I'm mad.


Interesting. Sounds like you're a real ungrateful twat.


no ones cares about mongrel boy lol


Who gives a crap?


I still haven't bought gifts for my siblings. I decided to run out and buy some gift cards but I don't know what place is open now. Also my phone is downloading a 2.6 GB file and it's probably got 10 minutes left at least. So I have to wait here


arab boy cares a lot about christmas


And? What do you think I was trying to say, that needed that reply?


yeah I was like why did that guy reply to that post instead of replying to my post


that replier wont reply


Of course I'm ungreatful if other people just don't give a shit about me while I do everything I can to make them happy.
Fuck you.


My family would always tell me that I'm really good at getting gifts and I'd always spend a lot of money on them. I never could ask for what I want though so I never really got anything that I could do anything but fake excitement about and I'm a bad actor so I'm sure it was transparent. This year my parents asked if I would be alright with not exchanging presents at all. I wonder if I made them feel bad.


>we are not exchaneging presents this year
>everybody brings presents except me
Am I too autistic or what.

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