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/ghost/ - The Graveyard

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No. 3076

This arab walks by and slaps your twin towers with an airplane, what do you do?


Would hang myself if I was that ugly and brown holy fuck.


Weird, same IP.

- otamin



impersonation will result in a permanent ban

- otamin


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This shit is getting really old.

This is going to be the end of ota if it keeps up.


Agreed otamin seriously needs to permaban GJ already or implement forced anon.


This thread will be deleted anyway but I'm going to stop engaging with the 3 people who spam about me (I know it's three as there are only three variant filenames they use, or one person saving pictures under 3 different filenames) as they just want to instigate and 'one up' for no apparent reason which is quite asinine.


You're the problem, not the people that hate you. People responding by harassing you is just the symptom, you're the cancer the body is /ota/ is responding to.


>People responding by harassing you is just the symptom, you're the cancer the body is /ota/ is responding to.

Then how about ignoring me, or is most of the userbase so autistic that they can't do that one simple task without making every thread an Autistic Rage Festival.


How about posting on a board where the entire userbase doesn't loathe you, like Myspace? You don't even care about otaku culture, you're just here to get the attention you never got at home.


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>You don't even care about otaku culture

>Otaku (おたく/オタク?) is a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests, commonly the anime and manga fandom


I am obsessive with music and certain aspects of anime and manga and some other niche interests, ergo I can be classified as an 'otaku'.

Don't BS with that 'but Otaku doesn't mean otaku culture'.

Why would I care whether you guys like, hate or are indifferent to me, this is an imageboard not a social network.

>you're just here to get the attention you never got at home.

No but you idiots give me attention by taking everything I say as canon, if you stopped meta posting about me, spamming pictures of 'me' and generally negatively engaging with me you wouldn't have this problem.


>Why would I care whether you guys like, hate or are indifferent to me

Yeah this is literally why nobody likes you. You're not white, you're not intelligent, you're not good looking, and you're a shitty person to be around.


You sure convinced me with those hot onions Anon. Since you have such a penchant for argumentation why don't you elaborate on how that post is wrong.


It doesn't matter what you think, it matters what the board thinks. Nobody likes you, takes you seriously, respects you, or even finds you funny to laugh at like they do 4Pq. You're just a mix of an embarrassment and a nuisance.



uhhh for a second there i thought that anon was posting onion links


Great, now where's your argument Anon as that's just a latent opinion.



we weren't discussing your homosexuality LOL


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how do these people find ota


You're the only good tripfag Henri. The one thing that would be unfortunate about forced anon would be your public beheading, but it's necessary to rid the nation of this literal subhuman. That or a permaban.


Epic Anon, another epin one up at my expense.


I never knew Henri the pedophile would be so judgemental……


There's literally nothing wrong with pedophile, but there is something wrong with being Arab, or nonwhite in general.


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I don't feel strongly one way or the other but I also don't think it will solve anything.
I forsee endless threads of anons accusing each other of being GJ/etc


That's why cancer has to be removed before it spreads.


please henri you're our only hope, the only good honest poster in a sea of shitters, please save us


I do not hate nor do I particularly like GJ. I'm indifferent. I like "owning tripfags" as much as the next guy, but it only works when they make a post worthy of being owned. Spamming pictures that the tripfag may find embarrassing just annoys everyone else, especially when it's every time they post.

So basically just ignore their name when they make regular posts that you can find anything wrong with, and save the "ownage" for when they actually make a fool of themselves. This unfortunately does not work for gigs, as he makes a fool of himself every single post.


>p-please stop posting my pic guys

nice try GJ. this will continue until he's permabanned.


I miss gigs!bar era gigs, he was pretty fun.

The only trip I like owning is sean, but even then I wouldn't go and spam his pics and derail threads into being about him every day.

He'll never get permabanned, and shitting up the board only makes you look bad and not him.


range ban this fucking faggot
fuck the irish


You're shitting up the board with your low-quality funposts, GJ. You only have yourself to blame for your picture being banned. Just leave already m8 nobody likes you.


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honestly half arab half irish, neither side of him is white llmmmaaoo how subhuman can he get


same IP awkward


It's GJ damage controlling without his trip, thinking he's being "subtle". What really gets to him is his picture being posted, that's why he's so mad about it.


I like him


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literally proving henry's prediction correct


This is literally only happening because we all know GJ is currently here, as he was just getting owned a couple minutes ago. Just ban all of Ireland, his name, and his trip, and then after it's established that he's gone, ban anyone who discusses him so he can't use a proxy to bring himself up.



You know what I just realized?

Back when 4/q/ was a thing, /jp/ never complained asking about implementing forced anon. But you know who did? /v/, and occasionally /a/. There goes my last hope of the whole "there are literal /v/ros on /ota/" thing being just a meme.


did you just link an image on an imageboard


I don't feel like editing just to post it here you faggot retard.


>literal /v/ros on /ota/

Well considering GJ has archived posts on /v/, /vg/, /mu/, and /r9k/, that illusion should have been shattered the minute he started posting. He's 100% subhuman /a/b/v/ trash and needs a perma.


I don't browse those boards, so I wouldn't know, unlike somebody.


Uh, in the age of the archive there's no reason to be so uninformed when it comes to the posting history of tripfags. That's just your personal failing, so I'll forgive you for it. Thought it must be embarrassing for you calling out /v/ posters while defending a literal poster from /v/ and /r9k LOL.


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Do you really think otamin cares enough about ota to do all that considering his prior actions? No matter how much you shit up the board by talking about him, or spamming his pics, otamin more then likely won't do shit even if /ota/ gets worse for it

> after it's established that he's gone, ban anyone who discusses him

Or you could do the much more realistic and less round-about thing of not discussing about or to him until otamin listens to your emails and says something, hell filter him to you feel the need to clustering the board with him doesn't help anyone (though it might boost his ego).


>hell filter him to you feel the need to clustering the board with him doesn't help anyone
hell filter him if you feel the need too, clustering the board with him doesn't help anyone


I don't care if a poster is from /v/ if they don't act like it.

I don't care about tripfags enough to "research their history" or whatever you do.


>I don't care if a poster is from /v/ if they don't act like it.

Which doesn't apply to GJ so why bring it up? Awkward..


You, on the other hand, reek of /a/v/b/


Yeah I know that's why I stopped using my trip because I felt bad for shitting up the board so much and realized I had a low IQ, an ugly face, and will never be white. Hopefully one day I can become a good poster with the correct guidance. I'd like to thank the people that owned me constantly, it's was for the best.

- GJ !GJI3gj.mlA


Literally have never posted on /v/.

Literally just came back from the shops after being out for the last hour.

You guys should really stop with your boogeymen.




/v/ and /vg/ are the same board.

>Katawa Shoujo

God damn what an absolute fucking subhuman.



Literally a different tripcode.


*starts feeling the feel*


Same name, both half-Arab, both living in Ireland, and both have the same last.fm, which was posted under both trips.

Honestly you're identity is so poorly disguised I couldn't have wished for you to make it easier to trace your posting history over the years. Child's play.


Yes because it's so difficult to impersonate someone by copying and pasting the URL of a website the person they're impersonating has an account on, isn't it?

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