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No. 14747

prove him wrong /b/ros protip: you cant




turt you seein this


your hairy spread butthole ha ha


The fossil record is the best evidence you have, and it isn't proof of anything.

Lining up the remains of an extinct animal next to a similar looking animal that lived in a later time period, does not mean that one evolved into the other.

Even if it was, the fossil record is literally well below 1% complete.

You have no other evidence that doesn't point to creation/design.

How and why would an asexually reproducing organism develop male/female sexual organs and reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is at least 50% less efficient, and even if you claim there is benefits, it's not like these asexual organisms knew about these potential benefits, and there's not any way natural selection would cause them to begin a process spanning thousands of years to develop sexual organs.

How would that work? How and why would they begin forming sexual organs? Would they spend thousands of years randomly forming non-functional sexual organs that would one-day, thousands of years in the future, be a functioning sexual system, and it "just happened"?

Why has the horseshoe crab not changed for 400 million years, but humans were fish 400 million years ago?

There's no cold hard evidence of evolution, yet you can't even question it. It's one of the most dogmatic retarded beliefs of the modern age, it will be looked back on like how we look back on scientists who believed the sun orbited the Earth.


>r3ddit spacing

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