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File: 1580081745684.jpg (2.74 MB,4032x2268,20200126_153331.jpg) iqdb


I'm in a Japanese supermarket.


File: 1580081898004.jpg (2.89 MB,4032x2268,20200126_153724.jpg) iqdb

Going to get some booze.


going to move to japan and get a bug gf


I am very jelly.

I want to drink all that Japanese booze, mainly Sake


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japanese supermarket shelf


I heard the tenga isn't very good


One of the better major onahole brands actually, I've tried them all.


I'd actually say those disposable tenga eggs are the best onahole I've used

But you're supposed to throw them out after one use


sell them to other /what/mins


Interesting, I never tried one


There's an imageboard dedicated to selling used onaholes


Link? (asking for my neighbor)






Like you


how many whatmins are there


Shut up homo

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