[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1579799333194.jpeg (336.71 KB,750x751,24F47EA0-6EF6-4F6B-BBF6-9….jpeg) iqdb


I'm leaving the jpsphere. Wish me luck as I cross the white shores


File: 1579800792590.png (90.94 KB,400x400,1579767123515.png) iqdb

Alright bro, bon voyage.


ok see you tomorrow, gaylord


1. attempt to leave the house
2. learn from mistakes


which page do you need to go to be free?




cant stop thinking about #vanlife


what IRC server is that on


Nigga you old


He's the chemo to zoomer cancer


Nigga he's a wizard incel pedo like everyone who still uses IRC


Exactly: chemo to zoomer cancer.


I'm having sex tonight


I'm having sex with three people right now. (on my IRC ERP server)




##jp ;)


Pussy ass nigger

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]