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File: 1562937367122.png (214.78 KB,1683x925,2019-07-12-091417_1683x925….png) iqdb


Finally downloading everything from the new summer season of anime.

Pretty sure every single one of these is bad and I've done nothing but look at pictures of their covers on MAL.



File: 1562946970176.jpg (343.29 KB,1920x1080,mpv-[HorribleSubs] Dr. Sto….jpg) iqdb

I enjoyed Dr.Stone

Probably gonna try to watch this one. Pretty high quality art style and animation.

Everyone in the world gets turned to stone then 2 high school kids awaken thousands of years later and try to rebuild society.


my last two years have been downloading all the little girl seniens and one isekai I drop 50% of the time

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