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File: 1579383867273.jpg (48.37 KB,689x694,FB_IMG_1579315459131.jpg) iqdb




File: 1579384919672.jpg (132.73 KB,720x720,1579362794739.jpg) iqdb


Why shouldn't I ban you?


You always delete my images anyway so whatever.


File: 1579391097569.jpg (63.5 KB,400x277,squidcry.jpg) iqdb

das soo sad u r desrving ob all are condolensez


File: 1579396026952.jpg (6.44 KB,258x193,FB_IMG_1577740604904.jpg) iqdb


Need more leftist friends


File: 1579436811010.png (793.41 KB,1500x1045,098b2737353bddc3fa6bbf6a86….png) iqdb

they had lots of sec afterwards


whatmins will del shota but leave trap stuff alone….having big thinks about that.


File: 1579462088967.jpg (99.82 KB,853x480,image.jpg) iqdb

Don't take it personally sorry. I live in the US.


File: 1579464550131.jpg (3.17 MB,3000x4174,1578105616428.jpg) iqdb

why this shimakaze-chan has a bepis?!


Your site isn't even indexed by google and I am pretty sure no one actually went to prison in 'murrica because of drawings anyway. What do you even think is going to happen?


I thought US was one of the few places in the world where shota/loli was still legal.


It's illegal but it's not enoforced at all unless you have real 3d child images.
2d shota and Loli is basically legal. There's maybe like 3 cases where it's been confiscated to an arrest. Canada is a whole nother story.


How do you know there isn't more, it's not like they're posting from their prison cells about it…


Every conviction is publicly recorded. Imagine living in a society where you couldn't even find out when people were punished and why.


Guess what they're charged with.

Hint: It doesn't say "(2D)"



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