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whatmin rate my build


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aesthetic setup


No gobbler 0/1


i have gobbler jewel i just thought it was a meme stat


Gobbler's really good not meme at all




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whatmin you know you can change the background img


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Wait how the fuck does Steam have one of these big custom banners for literally every game but has none of the small library pictures


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Talking about these


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Who knows drives me nuts so I never use that view.

Probably the game company not supplying art for a disc copy case as that view is pretty new.

The big banner has been there for a long time


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this new update kills. took 20 mins to open my save with 1fps 100% usage.

crapcom dev posted 30mins ago about this frame issue so i have to wait



Yes on Linux I can't even play after this 40GB update

1-3fps in main menu (Same for everyone on Linux)

Could play actual game at 60fps before


At the bottom here's the list of people complaining about this on Linux.


yeah i had 60 solid before with hiccups on the menu that were noticeable.

It might just be a dx12 thing or vram overload


Ok, apparently it's the anti cheat endlessly scanning your folder that causes it. I found a program that disables it and the game works pretty similar as it did before.


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Linux hacker figured out how to fix it by patching Wine.

Win7 users still screwed lol



I have the anti cheat by pass but it still doesn't play flawlessly. I managed to beat up to barioth but I think I'll wait now.

Curious how that works. Win 10 still has these issues.

There's another fix where you fake close the game and never hit quit that makes it work well too.

Crapcom Twitter posted about the bug again yesterday so it might now be too long.

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