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this made me think about all those pushes for safe spaces for women while simultaneously attacking videogames for having men in them


You say it like they're this unavoidable cancer destroying society. I've seen more people complaining about these fucks than any actual activity from them.

It's just like how news outlets are with the alt-right; they only exist on the level that they do because you faggots keep brining them up when you don't need to.


No I just grew up in the media era where everybody bashes boys (unless they're gay then go them!) and praises girls.


the point is to create boogeymen to push their agenda, you stupid fuck incel tranny.


Who plays videogames in current year
They are all cashgrab faggotdance shit for kids
The only redpill is playing pirated counterstrike 1.6 on russian servers with other oldfags


join your local dsa


I want women in video games but I want them to be hot with big boobies and butts and not look like men.

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