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Imagine being whatmins. A pedophile with no money living with his mom and having no real talents, can barely even code. In his mid 20s an ugly genetic dead end who will die jacking off to his tranny and pedo shit


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I think someone's projecting.

But what else is there to do anyway?

Imagine being a pedophile poo in loo incel future college dropout/NEET stuck in college for 10 years on his dad's money. At least I have a reason to want to continue my bloodline, my children would be white and high IQ at least.


I'm not a pedophile, I obviously have a higher IQ than you, and I'm much more likely to reproduce unlike you, who will spend the rest of your days creeping on pale underage girls while living off your poor mother.


I'm whatmin's gf and I got pregnant from all his healthy thick cums.
Stop bullying my bf or I'll call my dad to beat your gayass.

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