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>had to take plan b the other night
>will be about 2 weeks before I can even take a test to see if it worked
I cant shake the anxiety. I took it immediately, within 30 mins of realizing the condom slipped which means it's 95% effective, and my dumb luck means everything usually works out in the end, but I'm still anxious.
I have a friend that basically existed on plan b and rum this summer and she reassured me that it's going to be fine,but I'm still anxious.


dont understand why foids wouldn't want to be pregnant


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woah, after the test shows that it didn't work, make sure to post a photo of your belly every two weeks or so, so we could follow your progress


uh ill just abort it


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okay, after they talk you out of doing it, make sure to post a photo of your belly every two weeks or so, so we could follow your progress



because it's the content /what/ needs


(biological) females don't post on /what/


and people who have sex do?


Yes,they do.

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