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watched that film joker today
it was pretty good for a hollywood flick
i dont watch many films

of course the put in anti white propaganda in the form of making all the black characters all sensible and civilised and all the whites were violent and fucked up

even that little jewish midget was portrayed in a positive light, arthur should have forced him inside the oven and cooked him alive, now that would be comedy


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I watched it a month ago or so, the first day it became available on torrent with Korean hardsubs, I liked it too.

Didn't really notice any anti-white propaganda, the black therapist was kind of a piece of shit, and I believe that was the only black role.

Wait nevermind, just remembered the subway shooting was based on the original 1984 NYC subway shooting, but they replaced the black robbers with white business men.

>even that little jewish midget was portrayed in a positive light,

The midget was just British.


The white business men were crucial to show how the media twists things for political agenda as they tried to start riots and class warfare by making him some kind of crusader against the rich


But of course the schizophrenic room temperature polcel OP thinks it was anti white programming

Literally end your life you pedo virgin retard OP


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must be nice being blind to the truth


This movie was so sympathetic to white incels that the media started a campaign against it like they did to Trump. You're just fucking retarded


But they did make one of the wall Street bullies look like Donald trunk Jr. That's literally the only thing. The black women were portrayed as cold and uncaring expect for the half black neighbor who was basically just a female Norm


you are delusional


Bro the Jews are watching your every keystroke beCareful


Honestly I live in the uk and I hate that it's becoming more divers. We are now going through the same racial segregation America has gone through, I don't know why they've started it now but racial warmongering is extremely prolific in media as of late and will only serve to further divide us. And once again unironically whenever someone talks about race it's nothing to do with all the muslims or indian doctors its the same black american culture where everything revolves around black people. I honestly don't know what the string pullers are up to. I'd likely assume probably just pushing hegemony so it's easier to build a globalized slave ring of easily moved workers but they aren't doing it well.


The more likely reality is that America has a prominent film industry and an unfortunate history when it comes to internal race relations, and American movies with these themes are popular in places where these things were never an issue

Occams razor is your friend. It makes you sound less insane.


I prefer to be much more conspiratorial. One of my favourite discoveries was looking back in education and linking when a politically motivated topic gets taught to when it (at voting age) becomes a selling point for a politician. I really believe people are pulling string and have planned out the long game.


The issue with that line of thinking is that it places confidence in maybes. Your conclusion is based in prerequisites that haven't yet been proven to be true.


Oh please, your aversion is entirely because i've phrased it in a sinister way. What is hard to believe about the notion that a society would teach kids specified values and in return the children would advocate those ideals when they grow up?


I don't take issue with that part. That's observably true. What I take issue with is that you seem to have this sureness that it happens due to a conspiracy driven by a group with a greater agenda.

Even if such a group existed, your theoretically correct guess would still just be a guess based in no valid logic.




Kings, queens, people with higher authority openly exist, it's not something that's a secret. Nor is it deniable that these people would see the world as they will it.

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