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If i transition, will I still be one of the boys? This is quite important for me because I literally have nothing in common with cis girls as I am an ADHD bio male with geeky interests.


maybe you should just be gay instead of harming yourself


Just be gay theory


you should transition into the afterlife


Fuck off




Fuck off


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please transition and make sure to post a photo of yourself every week or so so we could follow your progress




Don't do it. You will regret it. It won't solve all your problems, it won't make you happy. Don't mutilate yourself because you think being a girl will give you a easy life. It won't.





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Blaire White seems to be happier as a girl and she doesn't look bad.


She was going off hormone therapy (she's been on them for 3 years) so she can takes meds to better her chances she's not sterile and have her sperm frozen.

So she can have babies in a few years. Even though her boyfriend could provide the sperm, she wants her own dna.
Hormone replacement causes infertility. So maybe she might be a little regretful even if she seems happy.


you can still be one of the birls if that's what you want.






Birls are grotesque and creepy


Transitioning isn't smart. We can't actually change someone's gender yet. All we can do is cut off your dick and pretend the flesh wound is a vagina.

I'm not saying "go hang yourself you degenerate". The people who say shit like that are retards. I'm saying keep your dick until we develop real transgender surgery.

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