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Why is PulseAudio running a networked sound server by default?


It doesn't. But that allows you to play audio from one computer to another computer over the network.


Do you have any other Linux questions?



>it doesnt but it does


By default.


File: 1562277507513.gif (906.33 KB,295x305,cheernobudd.gif) iqdb

looks like we have a rather low IQ individual here that is incapable on nuance. i can only laugh at his foolishness and feel a bit of relief that I am not as stupid as him.


gif would've been a lot better if the cirn didn't turn around. why are her eyes drawn like that?


drawn like what?


having to deal with audio as a networked server to play sound between computers is retarded. audio output should be a device file and any remote system should be able to import and use files from other systems that choose to share them.

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]