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I enter through the window, but I break no glass. When night falls, I vanish. What am I?


I like riddles.I like how they lie and twist what you know. I like how the correct answers are always dependent on the authors mind. I used riddles as one basis for establishing logical analysis as well as protecting yourself from all the lies that will be thrown at you throughout your life

So for example we'd list all the possible meaning behind each word in order to give us a better scope of the answers.

The common start is to pretend to be the object 'I' this is the first lie as to the layman would indicate something conscious but we know from gathering answer that this piece of information is irrelevant and the answer still has the largest scope.

The second lie is 'enter' as it obscures the notion of travel down to practical movement but we know from experience that it still indicates nothing, a ray of sun can travel through which is way different conceptually than say a bird flying through, heck even the commradery of a marching band can travel through a window. The final example indicating just how loosely words are used in the realm of riddles.

I'm not gonna go through every word but I think the three main points to solving a riddle are
1. what are the possible answers
2. what are the hidden rules of the authors universe (that is to interpret what the author deems as valid restrictions to answer or in other words what rules apply and in what way do they apply)
3. what is the authors answer.
Language is infinite and so is its discerning reason there are many answer to all riddles that adhere to the first two points but it is the author who decides the valid one.




I smell like a piece of shit, taste like a piece of shit, look like a piece of shit, but I'm not a piece of shit. What am I?

Answer: A lying piece of shit


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Wrong it's gay niggers from the spirit realm


a birds song

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