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Why are we all toxic losers with no friends?


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Did the utawarerumomo girl use her psychic bird powers?

My battery drains around other people.


stop projecting


I have friends, I'm just a regular loser, poor retarded fat etc


How many friends? Where did you meet them?


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I have no friends because have no stable circumstances, I get on good terms with people more slowly than im seperated from them by being on to a new job, new classes, etc etc.
Im decent at talking to people and Ive gotten myself to talk more than I might otherwise. But im still not extremely outgoing, and everyone else my age are all autistic social retard losers who cant talk to anyone they dont already know. They're either almost as bad as, just as bad as, or sometimes even worse than me.
So, since I dont have any pre-existing social group to fall back on or anything like that I just have no irl friends at all.

So generally speaking, its because of capitalism.


this is a mood


>new classes


>Dropped out of high school and lived as a hikkikomori truNEET for many years
>attending college through my early-mid 20s instead of late teens-early 20s
Your move boomer.


You're still a normie


–/\__/\ —/


im in my early 30s and in college. spending less than five years as a hikki is normie tier


shut the fuck up dani


Dani the fag

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