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Whabmin tell me why i should use arch over centos 8


CentOS packages are very old, that's basically the main reason you shouldn't use CentOS or Debian stable on a personal desktop.

Fedora is the more up to date Redhat OS meant for desktop use.

I think Fedora is good, the only reason I prefer Arch is because it's fully rolling release, the official repos are much larger, and building your own packages that integrate into the package manager is very simple.

If I had to say why I don't like Arch? It's a community distro, you're trusting the package maintainers not to add malware, whereas with Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE, you're trusting big companies like Canonical, Redhat, and Novell.

To be fair though, these are the only people that can build packages for official repos, and it's not a big list: https://www.archlinux.org/people/developers/

Probably the biggest benefit of Arch over other distros is the ease of building and integrating custom packages. You just download a PKGBUILD file which is are small scripts that can be easily edited, and run "makepkg" in the same directory, and it will automatically build you a package that can be installed and integrated with your package manager just like official packages.

Example of PCSX2 git PKGBUILD: https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=pcsx2-git


What min what linux should i install on my laptop


Arch obviously.


i want something that i can just install and works i dont want to do all this autist work


Install windows


Ubuntu then disable the display manager and start openbox with startx from a tty.


But I don't want a bot net and>>4609
I thought you said Ubuntu was bad


Ubuntu would be my second choice of distro after Arch.

Ubuntu is bad because it comes with Amazon adware, isn't rolling release, had bloated default install, has mildly outdated packages, building your own custom packages is relatively very difficult compared to Arch, and third-party PPA repos are terrible.

And it'd still be my next choice.

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