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13 minute FF7 Remake commercial that will make you cry and piss your pants n shid n cum


otamin deleted all my posts and rangebanned me you're a fucking autist loser like him whatmin kill yourself you are going to die a virg


Have you tried being a less shitty poster?


you just reposted my thraed you cock sucking weak failure


A broken clock is still right twice a day.


yeah like you retard. you aren't even old enough to remember ff7 coming out, just fuck off. you used to be cool and now you become another jp janny tard


Every time I unbanned you you start spamming.


I'll stop spamming


don't believe him even for a second, whatmin. he has never wanted to even try to integrate with an imageboard. he's only ever wanted to disrupt it.

every single time he's ever been given the opportunity, he just takes it to piss all over it and then cries when it gets taken away. he never changes, he never improves himself, he's a piece of shit and he knows it and just smears himself pathetically over the board.

perma-range-hellban him


The video is kinda shit too, they don't know who their target audience is.

I think they're trying to appeal to both but it doesn't work. It bounces back and forth between younger new players and older returning players but it pushes them away from each other. The MC is shown as the odd one out and he's missed out on all these experiences he'll never get to have anymore. The other characters weren't reminiscing about the game itself, for them, the memories and experience was everything around the game, everything surrounding it, the time (90s), the place (in their parent's home as a child), and the other people they played it with (brother, sister etc.). He already missed out on all of that, getting the game now doesn't grant him old experiences.

The only ONLY line in the video that targets new players is the jealousy line in the bar, where they're jealous that they can't play it for the very first time like the MC can, and that's it. The commercial also kinda insults you by saying you weren't even born at the time, but that doesn't work if for the rest of the commercial they were trying to rope in 25-35 yo returning players on all the nostalgia.


I find danispam moderately entertaining

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