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I never make these “incel” posts. I hate them. I hate teenmin for not deleting them. But last weekend something happened and I felt the need to make them. First of all, I’m going to talk a little bit about myself.

I’m not ugly at all. My face is well above average. I have a long, silky dark brown hair that reaches half of my back. I have a strong jaw line, nice teeth and smoldering brown eyes with a thick eyebrow.

My body is indeed the best part of me though. I’m above 180 cm, or 6’ height. I’ve been working out since high school. At 27, it means 12 years of it. I weight 80 kg or 180 lbs with less than 10% of body fat. It’s pure muscle. The worst part of my body is my dicklet, but hey I’m an incel, so what’s the difference?

I work for the government (zero chance of being unemployed and zero to no work to do for literally weeks) and earn like 60k a year, what is even more where I live. However, my family is already rich, so it matters even less. I graduated from one of the most respected colleges on the country.

I have many norm friends with tons of norm girls.
And yet I can’t get laid. Why? Because I don’t have attitude. Last week in a friends house a drunken girl literally asked me to fuck with her, but I freezed and couldn’t do a shit. She then fucked with my ugly, lanket friend.

No, having everything won’t make you get laid if you are not man enough. I know I am not.


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>touhou norms found the secret /what/ treehouse




Fuck touhou is normie tier fuck


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