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in the 1700s luigi galvani demonstrated using dead frogs that muscles and sans nerve endings can be triggered to fire by electricity which in effect is what radio waves are. now using new age radio technology they can give you spasms using targeted radio waves from satellite and are be able to remotely control most zombie norms but they have been pouring billions of dollars into research that will let them remotely trigger nerve endings in the brain itself with surgical precision.

anyway they can now send you images and sounds that are demodulated by the brain itself so basically you are a walking talking TV receiver box and most images that pop up in your mind are actually not yours.


since this technology has military applications the research has been branded top secret and snowden style leaks are exceedingly rare


anyway the jews run the NSA so it is likely that through sheer nepotism this kind of technology has already spread in secret among jewish interest groups and most rich people are already aware of its existence and use in the field on civilian guinea pigs, snitches like epstein get the stiches.


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you might have heard of starlink which is elon musk's new project in actuality it is a cover for the starlink system that is already in place by the US military. the idea is to dillute the atmosphere with so many satellites that finding the proverbial needle in the haystack will not be possible and most government's don't monitor space for weaponized satellites anyway. india for example has been pouring hundreds of miniature satellites into space that serve no real purpose other than to hide the more sensitive ones being used to fry cititzen's brains remotely.


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>no way this is possible schizo get on your meds

you have been able to home in on your house using google earth since like 2003. if google is already confident in letting children play with their satellites in such a way imagine how far the military industrial complex has come in weaponizing this technology.


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not to brag but this was kind of the premise behind chaos head.

also to showcase that most individuals targeted for the bleeding edge remote brain manipulation research through the 2000s were mostly dorks that sit on the computer all day because they have been conditioned in such a way pre-emptively in their childhoods through the use of bullying and the like. most guinea pigs today have been monitored from inception and in some cases are birthed by the perpetrators themselves IE they use their own rape babies for brain torture research to acquit themselves of the responsibility that comes with kindapping other people's children although they still do that but its much easier if the parents consent.


the consent comes from the ultrasound used on pregnant woman thus conditioning the fetus


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also a member of nitroplus staff (chaos head devs) was brutally stabbed to death in the streets by a deranged psychopath alongside a bystander sometime in 2009-2011. this was to intimidate them because they were dropping redpills in media.

i can post the articles if anyone wants. anyway it was mentioned in the news that the murderer complained of hallucinations prior to the attacks which is blatant signalling by the CIA niggers whether factually true or not.


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Is this what whatmin looks like?



In your delusional mind


tesla tried to teach us but the elite fucks like edison silenced him

you can control people with waves and you can kill them

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