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This cute light skin black girl always stares and smiles and waves at me. I thought it was because I had a mask but she was doing it today and I had no mask. Like she just stared at me nonstop I look back at her she keeps staring it was making me really self conscious. I stare at girls that I like that way I never realized how obvious and uncomfortable it is but it is also flattering. Anyway what should I say to spark convo she seems so into me that even if I act like an autistic incel she won't care.


You should've messaged that other girl that wanted to go to the museum with you.


I was too scared and tired. If she tries again today ill say yes


She unmatched. I'm glad I didn't go she suffix should've thought I was a freak


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Completely pathetic I should have never called you a worm as I now have respect for them; they at least know their place. You are less than that you are total scum in the way you waste people's time and stink up their air. Anyone here could have easily called you the freak you are without this pathetic display of masochism you enjoy.


Wtf are you talking about incel


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Anyway this is my newest match what do I say


My anxiety has made me self sabotage with much prettier girls irl that were more interesting people. So this random girl doesn't really phase me, I am certain I would have acted cringe from the anxiety and said and done retarded shit and that cringe memory would be more traumatizing than ignoring her till she unmatched


If anything I'm self sabotaging by never talking to the cute half black girl at the front desk of my building every time I walk in and she waves or even opens the door and stares at me nonstop. I don't know how to talk to her


That wasn't an invitation to type to me you Down syndrome brain addiled freak you really are desperate for someone to kick you around the worse kind of pathetic.


You're just mad because no females ever give you attention. I'm better than you even by actively self sabotaging


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Anyway can you help me not self sabotage with this girl? She didn't unmatch me and she's a lawyer


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She might know Trevor


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Honestly, unironically what do norms say to shit like this? It's just mindless small talk so I respond with a mindless small talk answer like good how about you and then the conversion dies. What do I do


You just say that it's going good and that you just did [something interesting] which continues the conversation. You can end it with a "You?" if you want.


Should I tell her I'm watching ufc


I also wanted to say getting attention from men means nothing you ugly loser. Gays will fuck anything, I once switched my tinder to both and every male swiped right on me and I had 100+ in an hour. If you're gay and can't fuck any gay guy you want you are unironically ugly. So yeah I'm better than you in every way. And I don't feel bad for wasting that woman's time I'm sure one of her other 500matches went out with her instead and I know that the awkward shit I do with her will hurt more than just ignoring her and her unmatching.


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I think I have some conversation ideas for this one


Holy fuck she didn't reply she probably sent it to all her friends fuck this I'm unmatching her


I asked her what kind of Indian she was. Is that racist??? I was wondering like Sikh Punjabi or whatever why didn't she reply


She said she's west Indian so like Jamaican

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