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File: 1611208696923.png (310.46 KB,491x472,1611207566399.png) iqdb


What the fuck man. I'd love a Mado plush but why did they put a seam on her face like that. Looks like she's got 5 o clock shadow


It looks like ass, that seam is the smallest problem


Ok bro we know you're jealous you don't have a mado plushie it's ok.


File: 1611211333108.jpg (468.24 KB,1478x2044,1610827299097.jpg) iqdb

I don't have any anime merch at all


File: 1611213406892.jpg (11.8 KB,301x320,everyday until you like it….jpg) iqdb

Is she going to do this everyday until I like it?

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