[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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Yeah you're going to be range banned for a long time for spamming 4 pages of bullshit you fucking retard.


no he won't be because he's gonna give you another sob story and how he's so sorry and how he's never ever going to do it again!!!

the only way to get rid of someone like him is to keep deleting their every post but you're too much of a pussy doormat to do that so enjoy shoveling his manure until the day you shut down the site you masochistic fucktard


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You don't see the 90% of his posts I always delete.


except I do, and that's precisely the problem you fucking idiot, you're cleaning up his garbage every day for years and yet you still allow him to post at all because you're an unbelievable turboretard doormat who accommodates someone who has zero regard for the site and just uses it as his personal shitting grounds


Funny thread!

Laughing Homer .jpg image


lmao nothing stopping you from doing the same doe 🤓



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