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i bet she doesn;t even skate


well at least she didn't try and permanently destroy her body and need surgery like i did


I wish people who skateboarded would wear helmets. It's not safe…


One time i got laughed at for wearing knee pads, so i put them underneath my jeans instead. But then i stacked it and hurt my elbows and hands mainly. At that point then i stopped playing with skateboards.


No, but a wrist brace makes a huge difference, especially since, although you shouldn't make a habit of it, you tend to brace your fall with your hands. I sprained my wrist once on my bike, and I'd rather never do it again.


Would you like to talk about skiing?


Yeah OK


It is very dangerous!


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fucked my wrist up skating once. had it xrayed and the guy didnt think it was broken so just but a brace on it but it hurt for weeks, turned out alright though

i miss those days

maybe i should get an electric one


skiing is only as dangerous as you make it be

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