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I want a sexfriend who dresses like celeste


haha look at this guy that knows the danganropa girl names


I didn't play the game but I am a fan of death games



I was in an art supply store a while ago, and I saw a tween girl in a monokuma hoodie that looked kind of like my niece, so I told her I liked her hoodie, and she said thanks, and then I got what I needed, went to the counter, paid for my stuff, unlocked my bike, put the bike lock in my backpack along with what I bought, put on my helmet, biked West, got home, unlocked the guard door to my house, opened the inside door which I don't lock, put away my bike, took off my helmet, put away my helmet, took the art supplies out of my backpack, put the bag in the recycling, took a shower, and then went to bed.


Not many areas accept those plastic bags for recycling.
Wish we had two streams of recycling here, the population isn't that retarded that they couldn't cope with another stream, even if it goes for incineration. I'm sure an incineration plant with a carbon capture and storage component would still be worthwhile instead of tossing it into landfill or clogging up the conventional recycling stream.


I often wonder if recycling most things besides aluminum and precious metals are that productive, even in terms of carbon footprint. When people talk about carbon, the end-game is really to get the carbon in a solid, controlled state and out of circulation, such as a very old tree, so it seems counterintuitive to recirculate reusables.

A lot of my older family members don't even really comprehend the concept of recycling, much less do it, anyways. I know my district doesn't recycle plastic bags, so I just hoard them.


Don't they reuse glass bottles too?

I'm looking for a Chiaki cosplay image in Gamestop (facing away from the camera) I can't find it and it's bother me.

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