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Wharton's I'm scared. Are you stocked up on canned foood and water


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those comments


What's wrong with them they're right


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God doesn't real bro were all just stardust dude


>the USDA has further marked down soybean stocks, and China continues to buy everything in sight.
Uhh… the stocks are down because King Retard's trade war resulted in tons and tons and tons of the stuff rotting or getting destroyed because there was no one to buy them. Huge surplus of supply and no demand. This went for a whole host of crops and livestock and as a result billions of subsidies were sent to farmers, but in reality the money went to the agricultural giants that didn't actually need it.


So I don't have to worry about food shortages then?


If it were to happen it would be because of bureaucracy and transportation failures in that order

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