[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ -...

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/what/ is terrible I can't even sleep without spam, thinking about shutting it down.


well nen is going out of business some time after christmas so…


We're all rooting for you!


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Did nenmin say that?


why not hire a janny to clean it up for you


because jannies are the reason why the spinoffs exist


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Because anyone of you I hired as a janny would just delete the entire board.


no I made that up but it's still true if you think about it


hope this isn't actually whatmin and is just someone pretending to be him, it would be really infuriating if he complained like this about the state of affairs he himself is directly responsible for


How am I responsible for what happens when I sleep?

I have massive IP bans and wordfilter bans and still get spammed at night when I'm asleep.


Like, what are you even talking about? The computer generated "cp" spam? That's inconsequential and recent, there was like one image today anyway. The schizotard spam is entirely on you because you enabled that freak for years. You still even let him post and just delete his threads if he's spamming really hard. It's just incomprehensible why are you being so lenient and considerate for the freak that single handedly killed your site.


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this is the only board i actually like


I think what is unique and should stay, but if you decide to can it one day you need to give people advanced warning so they can stay in touch on other boards or email or whatever


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It's for the best.


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Yeah its better off dead. I want the entire jpsphere gone for good


This is amazing because that's exactly what the entire jpsphere wants for you


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Uhhhhhhh Simpsons spammer likes me


You know those colorful pills the nice man in the white coat gave you? You really should take them daily like he told you to.


iirc whatmin once said he can make the schizo go away forever if that's what people wanted


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Nice try soul parasite


He paid for 1,000 private VPNs.


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I've never paid a cent


But I need to buy one for my crypto tradin


what is fun and obviously all the people here aren't bothered by the spam enough to leave

it's nice because you can post about basically anything but it isn't overrun with politics like other boards that let you post about anything


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Thanks I appreciate it


most people did leave…


Such be the natural course of boards till be just you me and dupree


/what/ never felt really that popular anyway


that's not what really happened, almost all the spinoffs degenerated into decay and garbage because all the admins are incompetent retards or just straight up don't give a fuck

like, this isn't even debatable and /what/ is possibly the worst example

it was one of the slower spinoffs true but it still used to be much more active, I distinctly remember the blog threads lasting only a month on average and then basically everyone stopped posting in 2018-19 because the board was literally just spam 24/7


I think you underestimate just how autistic the main suspect spammers are and how you would do a better job.


Lock thread creation for like 5 days


maybe, I am still pretty sure whatmin literally didn't do anything until there were like hundred pages worth of back to back spam and it was plainly obvious no one even bothered to post anymore


hate schizophrenic spammers. add kana captcha to filter normpajeet


Just get mods duh




You should do it. This board isn't unique enough anyway. Just 3 weebs spamming boring shit like all other dead altchans.


the vpn service I'm using is pretty much all banned except for a few countries there are only so few of them to go around soon he'll be banned for good


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Wharton is my best friend retard he never really bans me


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Simply banning the schizo won't do. You have to step up as a mod.


/what/ was gangraped by schizos. Rest in peace /whart/-ch! 201*(I forgot) - 2020!
Poor whart was torn to pieces.


Pretty sure it was 2013, same year as /ota/ and gn

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