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Dear trannies:

We don't hate you. I'm serious. We don't hate you. The reason why we post the "YWNBAW" stuff is because we care about you.

You have to realize that you've been sold a lie. You are being used as pawns. They don't care about you. They don't care about your mental health. None of the people who are pushing this transgender ideology even give a shit about you. They just want to:

a) Profit off of you. You are a mark who will spend hundreds of thousands on hormones and surgeries that don't even work. You will still have your five o clock shadow, your manly jawline, your male height, your broad shoulders, and your male face. Even if you think you can manage to somehow "pass", you're just wasting your time and money chasing a dream that will most likely never come true. Why would you bet your life, time, money, and sanity on those odds?

b) Use you as a tool. Since 2015 and the Obergefell ruling, along with the whole gay marriage and cake thing, the left has run out of things to fight for. Their ultimate, unsustainable goal is this delusion of "progress" and they keep shifting the goalposts and changing so that it can never be achieved. You are literally just a pawn, a freak for people to look at so they can make some passing comments and remarks about "injustice" and then go on with their lives. They will never help you. They really don't give a shit. If you actually do end up being one of the 40%, they will make up some bullshit twitter post about "thoughts and prayers" and never think about you again. You are usable. You are disposable.


c) They want to make you unhappy. The medical establishment, mental health, and political establishment do not profit as much off of healthy, well adjusted, happy people. By willingly making yourself into a freak of nature, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of body image issues and mental anguish. They want this. They want you to be dependent on psychological drugs so that you keep giving them your money. They want to sell you treatment after treatment, acronym after acronym, so that you open your wallet for everything from TRT to HRT to SSRIs and SRS. None of this will lead to happiness. None of this will lead to accomplishing anything. Nothing about this path you achoose will lead to any ease upon your suffering or the liberation of your soul.

The truth is that everyone suffers. No one is immune to the burdens and stresses of life. Even if you chop off your dick and balls, put on clown makeup, and wear a gaudy, ill fitting dress, your problems won't go away. Just because you desperately want to be a woman doesn't mean that you will ever be one.

I know that there is a lot of toxic rhetoric and memes that goes around /pol/ but I genuinely hope some of you guys see this.

TLDR: We don't hate you. They do.


>TLDR: We don't hate you. They do.
well but you also do hate trans people


Who doesn't? They're the most obnoxious group of people anywhere on the net right now.


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I love her Bros


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