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File: 1606506778299.mp4 (22.68 MB,640x360,w0852e.mp4) iqdb


Camera guy is literally a racist and a pussy


File: 1606507045887.jpg (168.12 KB,995x524,1594457210108.jpg) iqdb

White men who talk like blacks is so cringe.

I really understand how hard it is to fight talking like that depending on where you grow up, because everyone is talking like that.

That accent he has is a real accent and way of speech that grows on people and is hard to break. But you shouldn't talk like that even if you're black because it makes you sound stupid.


We need to round up the coloureds and put them in camps


It makes you sound alpha and cool,I thought he would be a soyboy but he was tough and the racist camera guy ran away like a bitch. But you're right it makes you sound low class. My dad used to have a hardcore Brooklyn accent but changed it because it made him feel stupid. Some of my black cousins also changed their accent to not sound ghetto



If your pretty you can be my slave


what was the image?

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