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Widening do you believe climate change is man made


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I believe the universe was created in 4004 BC and I'm not concerned about climate change.

If you believe "science", then the world is over 4 billion years old and there was many periods where Earth was naturally much hotter or colder than it is now.

Was Triassic average levels of heat man made, claimed to be ~120 to ~140 F? Was the ice age man made?

Also you literally believe:

- You're related to a potato
- That life from non-life is possible
- That the universe created itself from nothing
- That a single-celled organism through random genetic mutations developed into all life on Earth
- That random genetic mutation could result in irreducibly complex biological systems

And you believe this without proof or evidence.


What do you think is God's favorite distro?


Why 4004 BC? What's the point of the vast universe and galaxies


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dude you literally believe in an eternal old man on a cloud who's always existed and one day created everything from nothing and will throw you into an eternal torture chamber for not kissing his ass just because a 2000 years old sandshit book written by mouthbreathing troglodytes says so


its templeos obviously


Picture is stupid as fuck.

It's a sandbox game and you're not allowed to see to see out of bounds no matter how good technology gets.



You will put your mask on.
You will take the vaccine.
You will eat the bugs.
You will be happy and die before you're 40.


Schwab said he's planning a cyber attack


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Nice massive pupils, what drugs is she on?


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Probably ssris maybe adderall. The satanists did the same thing to me. She's a victim of mind control her handlers are the true evil


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