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I showed you my pussy answer me


white make up is cute on girls


too bad she's still 2/10


i disagree


that's not makeup she is zombie


too bad youre a fucking faggot, this is the asuka cosplayer i always post and she's my ig friend and we flirt sexually with each other


id let her eat my brains


does she need a bf, tell her to send me a letter, it's more personal that way


shit taste in women no wonder you're an insel


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nah im her boyfriend bud, were just taking it slow


OK I understand, tell her to call me when you break up


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post a 9/10 woman to you


i knew a girl in my last couple years of high school (she was a junior) who would wear minimal goth kind of clothing to school every day she wore a dress sometimes too
her friend read dragon ball and lent me her manga one time because she said she was done with it but i never got around to reading it and ended up gving it back to her having only read a couple pages she had a cute toque that i think had raccoon ears on it or maybe it was some other animal


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This image is gas lighting shinji


How so?


He wouldn't start shit with asuka and she didn't come back with equal energy. She started shit he didn't do shit and she went harder


I think Shinji would antagonize Asuka inadvertantly, not really empathizing with her or thinking about how what he says might be interpreted. By contrast, I think Asuka's extreme reaction is very characteristic of her. From Asuka's perspective, for much the same reason that Shinji didn't really consider his own words all that scrupulously, Asuka does interpret her own acions as dramatically harsh. Or, it might be more apt to say that Asuka just doesn't care. It makes sense that Shinji would internalize his humiliation so badly. It wasn't even the severity of Asuka's reaction which got him. He has a fragile ego and a low self-esteem. Asuka could have said anything to a negative effect, and Shinji would inevitably react the same.


Asuka went harder than he did the pic makes it seem she just defended herself with the same energy


Asuka always goes harder than Shinji, 'cause she's a fucking bitch. She doesn't even realize it. That's just how she acts. From he perspective, her actions are reciprocal.


oh ok. i relate with shinji cuz im a weak bitch pushover sensitive loser and i've had girls like asuka rei and misato in my life and the pic made me feel like im the bad guy but im not asukas a fucking bitch


ironically enough the only girls I could to talk to in hs were the ones who bullied me


Can I buy an alien gf

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