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File: 1604050064668.webm (1.89 MB,480x480,China.webm) iqdb


This is whatmin's communist paradise.


File: 1604051590650.jpg (47.93 KB,711x570,1603974405194.jpg) iqdb

It's just the crappy siding, the building is structurally fine at least.


File: 1604051964783.jpg (1.42 MB,1000x1517,1602194406032.jpg) iqdb

But yes I unironically give props to China for housing.

China is almost exactly as big as America by landmass but they have 1.4 billion people in China and US only has 325 million, yet there's more homeless people and housing problems in America.

Commie block skyscrapers are a good thing.


nooo you cant just house homeless people you need them to serve as a reminder to work or die


What? ~3 million people are homeless in China.


There's no accurate way to count homeless, but 3 million homeless in China would only be 0.21% of the population.


i was mostly responding to commie block housing skyscrapers


>trusting reports from communists

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