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got some tires on my van replace this morning
it took an hour so went for a walk
went to the mall and walked through, needed to buy nothing though
walked to the bakery and bought a fresh cream donut and pizza bun thing
went and sat down at a small public park with some fountains and ate them alone
was wearing black jeans and a plain grey tshirt and grey dad sneakers
chilled on that bench for like 45 minutes enjoying the sun, ambiance and people watching
contemplated the utter mundanities of my existence
saw a couple cute girls walk past, some fat guy in a hawaiian shirt, a ginger bearded hipster wearing a pork pie hat and brown leather shoes, a sketchy looking thin brown guy smoking a cigarette..


feel when you're the NPC all along…


Never understood taking a stroll in the shoping center for no reason. Seems like an easy way to waste money.

I can't even really stand being in public alone. I feel insecure. I'm fine when I'm with others, and I can even go into malls and stuff, but, otherwise, I'd just go do what I need and make a beeline to the exit.


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it's a pretty small mall full of mostly food shops and boring shops for middle class boomers/teens
i generally avoid it

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