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 No.28632[Last50 Posts]

This is the official (0% transfats) /what/ blog thread. If you have something to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


These fucking sucked dick. It's a slow board might as well shit up the catalog who cares that's the whole point of imageboards.


This, owned that fucking retard LMAO


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My grandma threw a temper tantrum today because I asked her where the recycle bin was. She always gets super butthurt when I tell her to recycle. I wash aluminum cans and plastic occasionally and leave out to dry, and she inevitably takes them and throws them in the trash. I have to pick them out and tell her to put them in the recycle them. That's apparently too hard.

Today, I have no clue where the recycle bin is. I came from a run yesterday and left an empty gatorade bottle near the trash, since it was late and I didn't want to investigate. This morning, I found it in the trash. I picked it out and asked her where the recycle bin was, and that's when she started whining about being disrespected.

It's just hard, because she barely speaks English, and it doesn't help that she's an actual retard. I don't think it occurs to her that I might find it disrespectful for her to throw shit in the trash that doesn't belong. A while ago, I had to toggle the breaker, and she literally wouldn't let me. She thought I would be electrocuted. I tried to explain to her that they were just switches. They go on and off. I went into the kitchen and showed her the light switch for comparison. She still wouldn't let me, so I got irritated and just did it anyways. No shit I don't respect her. You can't respect someone you can't even reason with. If she'd consider doing what I'd tell her, I wouldn't need to explain the same damn things to her like ad infinitum a child, like she apparently feel like I'm doing.

And I hate waking up at the same time she does. This is why I go for a run in the morning, just to avoid her before I go to work. One time, we got into a fight, and I just hunkered down in my room until she left for work so as to not punch her in the face. Normally, she leaves early enough that I can just wait and then go to work on my own, but she basically allowed herself to stay longer than usual, thus forcing me to call in sick that day. She forced my to stay home that day because she wanted to act like a petty cunt. The fucking moron went to my uncle and bitched about my staying home from work.

It's just awful. No matter how patient I try to be, I'm always punished for it by her whining. There's no reasonable way to persuade her into anything. And she's too much of an idiot to chug along with her without confrontation. It's like living with a four-year old: you pull nails just to get basic chores done.


you sound like an annoying effeminate faggot, your grandma is based


what language does she speak


I'd be a bigger faggot if I did what she told me. I can't switch the breaker, I can't go into the attic, I can't fix the HVAC, I can't change the drive belt in the car. I literally do all of those things for a living every day, and she won't let me get onto the roof because she thinks it's dangerous. She's one of those women who're so presumptuous they think it's apt to use scare tactics to essentially castrate their sons into being docile nigger cattle. I can overlook the obvious condescension, but it's hard to do so when I literally not allowed to do basic chores. As if going into the attic itself in the middle of summer isn't uncomfortable enough, imagine doing it while listening to some obnoxious cunt go on and on about how it's hot and how I shouldn't be here.


Give the old bitch a good spanking.


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Almost masters


Put your head through a wall


I would, but then I would have to be the one to cut up some dry wall, spackle it over, and paint it, and she would be complaining the whole time.


I'm close to having a breakdown of my own


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I moved to japan. It was wonderful, but I tried to help someone in need, and ended up getting into a relationship and letting her live in my home. She quickly became verbally and emotionally abusive, and I allowed it to continue, not fighting back. I knew I was just being deceived for money, but I still let it happen cause I didn't want to make her unhappy. I had mental breakdowns when I was alone, got physically sick, and even blacked out from the stress of being with her, but couldn't find the strength to fight back. I drank and cut my arms again and again but the stress never went away.
After 4 months, I went to kyabakura and finally drank enough alcohol to find the courage to tell her to get out of my house by the end of the month. Or at least, I was drunk enough not to overthink consequences, allowing me to press send on that message.
Since then, it's too uncomfortable for me to go back home, and I'm afraid I'll be weak again and take her back, so until the end of the month I'm living in a tiny 1 meter office, sleeping on the floor, showering at manga cafes, and surviving off of konbini food cause I spent the majority of my money on her. It's funny, in a sense, right now I'm living the otaku heaven I always dreamed of. Many people would think sleeping on the floor of a cramped office, showering at manga cafes, and not being able to go to your own home is hell, and yet, I've never felt more free in my life…


Do you not like having sex with her or something?


she wouldn't let me hug her or hold her hand and would get mad if I got too close even though we slept in the same bed. Despite this she insisted we were dating, probably to get more money out of me.
If I just wanted to pay for sex, there's infinitely better ways to do it here (my office is literally in one of the greasy 水商売 districts)


how did you even get yourself into this kind of predicament, everything about it sounds so bizarre


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When I had first met her, before she lived with me, she seemed super nice. She said all the things I wanted to hear, and made me feel like I mattered when I was lonely.
By then I had feelings for her, so when she said she couldn't live with her roommate anymore, I naturally volunteered to let her live with me. After she had moved in, she said we were dating and I didn't oppose that.
Then one day she suddenly, like out of nowhere started yelling at me. How I just sit around all day while she has to do all the chores around the house, and I need to start doing more for her (despite the fact that I was buying everything she wanted on top of her not paying rent.)
I'm really really really bad with conflict so it's easy to just give the other person what they want… And from there it just got worse and worse over time


Is she Japanese?



Just curious. Have you had any sexual experience before you came to japan or was she the first? You're still very stupid and gullible regardless.


Don't bully him…


all your frens on /what/ still love you very much and you can talk with them whenever and if you don't feel comfortable talking on /what/ you can be frens with them on discord or line or steam or whatever, even last.fm!!!


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Do you have a hanko?


this is why everyone tells you to find a nice birl, they'll treat you right.


yes I was in a sexual relationship with another girl who emotionally abused me for two years until 2017.
With that said, I can't say this last girl was a sexual experience, we never even kissed once. But yes I am very stupid
I played the pocky game with a birl the other day it was fun…


You obviously can't handle women especially the old fashioned east asian kind. You might have more luck playing for the other team…


why don't you just be frens with your whatfriends, sighhh…


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good work shitmin


why me tho


oh it isn't
that's a relief


you should just come to your /what/frens. i hope you can be free soon though, good luck!
what is it like showering at manga cafes anyway? it seems like a strange experience


Disgusting, birls are creepy.


Shut up homo


you're creepy.


you're fag.


I've only ever gone to the same Manboo, which seems to be the biggest manga cafe chain, but basically you go to the front desk and say you just want to use the shower, pay ¥300, and they give you a towel and a key. I've heard at some cafes you might have to wait like an hour in line, but this one has multiple showers on different floors so I've never had to wait.
The shower room is usually tucked away in a corner down a hallway next to the toilet away from the regular private rooms, so you don't commonly run into other people. The shower room is for 1 person at a time only, so you use the key they gave you and lock the door behind you. Pretty standard amenities inside - shampoo, conditioner, body soap, hair dryer. You have 30 minutes, and if you go over that time you pay an extra ¥100 for every 10 minutes, but I've never gone over 30 minutes.
Maybe next time I'll take some pictures!


You are fucking insufferable.


ban this guy /what/min or i swear on me mum


what the fuck why are you so hostile


what the fuck why are you so hostile


imma buy a lotto ticket watch me win a million


I didn't win


my firefox got updated, and now every so often, there'll be some tab that just refuses to load anything. just completely blank page, nothing at all, it won't even try to load the page, and i can type anything into the address bar and it will still refuse to load, just stays on blank page.

wtf is wrong with this sighhh


Come to Indonesia!


Where in Japan are you? We should meet up when I go there.


I remember I once accidentally ended up as in extra in a lotto commercial. They paid me in tickets, afterwards. I also didn't win.


someday I'll thank my parents for kicking me out


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been using youtube for my primary music source for the last 4-5 years
opened up my music player last night to listen to old stuff. has a lot of music i downloaded in the early 10s and mid to late 00s, it's the only data i still have of that era because i've had multiple computers and never bother keeping a lot of the old data i had, except the music

feels weird listening to it again. takes me right back
07-13 was such a comparatively interesting time in my life. before my mind crystallized and the 'pression truly set in

the first few neet years were like a long dream holiday. i had little money but endless time so just started exploring anything that caught my interest and filling in the time


I actually don't want to be mean to people on the internet anymore


No I really don't you guys are the only people I talk with I have become a lot more impatient when dealing with strangers irl though anyway they're all narrow minded boomers they deserve this kind of treatment


Then be nice to them.


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I fucking humiliated myself today. I wish I could wake up one day and realize I have to go to school and not feel a wave of dread fall over me. I wish I could shake the conditioning highschool gave me to resent school, because it's literally the only thing I have to live for. Why did I have to go to highschool and get punished for having faith in the school system?

Why did I take that CNC microcert? Why did I sign up for Solidworks and Geometric Distancing next semester? Why couldn't I have just taken some art classes like I always wanted to, like I always wanted but my mother never let me, because she liked to play monkey in the middle with my interests?

I literally got fucking kicked out of class today. For a class I paid for. God fucking damnit. I thought I was being proactive. I just pressed around in the display pane to see what info I could get, because I thought nothing would change as long as I was still in hand jog mode. And then I sat around for an hour when the instructor told me I shouldn't have done that and now he needed to reset the shit. So what did I do? I shut down the machine. I shut it down because that's what I thought he wanted. And he came back to me and just said that I was done for the day. Jesus Christ, I'm an idiot. I can't follow instructions. I can never follow instructions. I'm autismo prime and I barely comprehend what anyone's saying. All I ever wanted in life was to do good in school, and I can't even accomplish that.


Reminds me of the time I spilled biohazardous material on the immunology lab


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I don't drop my spaghetti cause I just don't go to school/work.


Just drop the classes for next semester, surely you can still change them if the semester hasn't even started, even if it requires a bit of messing around. Swap them for something you like instead.


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full on grouting day today
my fingers hurt, and my shoulders
and was experiencing some bad acute lower back pain earlier, unsure why though, perhaps just accumulative from recent work
should sleep well tonight though


Grouting sucks. It's just one of those jobs that sucks to do and whose end result sucks, too, if you don't do it for a living.


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i do it for a living
both my parents were stem graduates
i failed at life
my back hurts


how many of you use steamcords and gay irc channels I feel left out


I use them, you're not missing much.


I used to use some clearnet irc channels. It's like a habit, where you trick your subconscious into thinking that you're being productive. Nothing good comes of them, though, especially since they're being archived. Doubly true for non-e2e services, proprietary or not.

I used to chat with this kid a lot when I was a mod for a small imageboard. It's still around, but myself and the admin went mia, partly because of daiperfurs (I really regret letting the admin make a porn board) and partly because my life kind of fell apart. But, use to tease him mildly because he mentioned one time that he put a small shampoo up his butt while he masturbated. A year or two went by, and my life got worse, as I said, so I stopped with the whole imageboard thing, but I noticed that he emailed me on cockmail account. The email was about him coming out of the closet as trans, and how I somehow helped him by joking about his anal masturbation. I think I accidentally turned a kid trans.

I also accidentally doxed him by giving him a google doc, and then he browsed the file logged in. I thought it was someone else, so I just noted his name and stuff, and then the admin took his ip and figured out where he lived using some service or whatever, so he was like 17 at the time of my talking to him. We didn't do anything to hurt him or abuse him, but it still gives me pause sometimes. Especially since I was only about 15 at the time, pretending like I was 20. I myself was really open about my own sexuality, humiliations, and constant failings in life, etc. – altering things slightly to make myself seem older, but, otherwise, painfully honest.

It's weird looking back on it and realizing that was the high point of my young adult life. I had no idea how low I was gonna sink, but I thinks it's more astonishing how I affected the lives whom I interacted with in that cumbersome medium.


I just remembered how someone on ota talked about being a member of some small irc channel where two guys who were into cross dressing met up and had s*x

having e-friends sure is nice…


I don't really think they count as e-friends if they fu*ked.


I can be your e-friend if you want.


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That only works if you're a cool and nice dude.


Don't know why the fuck I clicked on this shit but this orbiters comment made it worth it.

>My horoscope says I will marry a dentist is it true?


i dm girls on ig shit like this all the time and reply to their stories simping like that, but that's also in their DMs on my fake ig


what's the point? they will never fuck you. also go to hell nigger




uh sometimes they reply to me and i get a dopamine hit


>I also accidentally doxed him by giving him a google doc, and then he browsed the file logged in.
What the fuck, can you really do this?


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yeah that's why i literally never click google drive or fgoogle doc links unless i trust the person. like i wouldn't click a link on the jpsphere unless it's in a private tab or im sure im not logged in.

it's like an easy way to dox people, i did it to IRC autists on Rizon back in the day and scared them with their info lol. i never did anything bad just tried to freak them out for fun


me and my friends all make fun of creeps like you "shooting their shot"


yeah that's why it's on a fake acct so idc really, sometimes girls laugh at shit i write and have convos with me, i'm actually friends with 4 people like actual friends with them, one is a dude too, just from joking aruond replying to their storeis and we became actual efriends.

but yeah im sure other ig models that dont talk to me screenshot it but like i said i act totally normal on my real ig


but yeah youre right it is cringe, but its on a fake account so whatever


its funny my gay zoomer friend was looking at my phone and saw the fake acct and all my simping and was like dude youre being cringe girls screenshot this shi tand laugh at you and i was like "look at the account it's fake i even use a girl name" and he seemed to be less shaming me but still thought it was lame

yeah i guess i should stop its more of a friend simulator it makes me more comfortable talking to people, now i'm more comfortable replying to IRL friends on my real IG, i dont say simp stuff like that theyre hot or whatev tho


If you're an idiot and are logged into your account, it'll display your name among the people viewing a file. Remember privacy hygeine? Screw that, I guess. Who needs locks when it's illegal to kill people?


you're vile and disgusting, harassing women is okay as long as your anonymous


They like it you're manipulative and toxic to me


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intel is finishe


how do you cope with being a sub 6'5 manlet without a 8" dick


I don't. I'm a 6'0" manlet with a 6.5" micropenis and I wnt to kill myself.

It's funny cuz you guys think i'm trolling but I really feel "average" and unexceptional. I want to be 6'2" with a 7.25" dick and I'll feel "decent enough".


this but it's 6.¾"


I was reading a mormon blog a few days ago and the writer mentioned that one of the problems frequented in young men is the feeling of unworthy-ness in relation to gods love, they feel as if they need to first triumph and succeed in order to be worthy of love. The writer goes on to say that it is through gods love that we may overcome sin. A classic interpretation of the boy who wouldn't ask for help.


Conditional vs unconditional love, basically.

I think it's neat that Christianity broaches complex metaphysical concepts like love, but it's just too bad nobody really cares. I think the fact that it was a Mormon blog is kind of funny, because a Morman lifestyle is obviously very demanding.

Most churches presuppose certain rituals in order to be accepted by the congregation (and by proxy, God), and that's pretty unfortunate. You have to act a certain way, do certain rituals, be a certain thing. Makes you wonder what the whole point of the Protestant Reform even was.

Like getting circumsised. And you can get completely ostracized from your family and your peer group if you don't conform. I remember learning about how Peter argued scripture over circumsision, and he said something to the affect of how you don't need to practice Judaism in order to believe in Christ, or else the gentiles couldn't participate in Christianity. I was just a kid at the time, and I didn't even realize I was circumsized, because I couldn't fathom why my parents would do something so pointless.

Just this strange fixation on arbitrary stuff. Why does it matter if you practice this ritual a certain way? Why does it matter how Christ died? Is it really that important to know that humans coexisted with dinosaurs? Conditional love.


I went on Omegle and an anglo made fun of how I look, but it didn't really bother me, because he's an anglo.

It was just weird, though, because he didn't know what Final Fantasy was and kept telling me I couldn't get pusspuss.


he is right tho you can't get puss puss



I liked reading it, the only thing that makes me uneasy is how they relate every answer to include submission to god. Its like they're keeping answers to moral qualms within the church.


what the fuck is /what/


/what/ /what/ in the butt


I said /what/ /what/


in the 404 you fucking broke it


I liked my freeedom.


I like reading religious literature, especially Christian, but it really does bother me how eager they are force a specific interpretation on you. It doesn't even make any sense. If you're going out of your way to read explicitly Christian literature, why would they need indoctrination?

It's frustrating to enjoy something only to find out that it's supposed to be propaganda, and the author doesn't have the maturity to respect the separate identity their audience has. It's like a musician telling you can't empathise with them or consider their perspective because you vote Trump, or vice versa. I hate that ultimatum.


i like watching anime


Hello, i want to erp too with my whatfriends on discord. Please let me be frens too…


Spent 40 USD just to get an NVME adapter because my desktop fugging shitted itself, and all my private keys are on it. At least it works.

It was stupid of me not to backup my stuff, but I've been trying to get ZoL to work on Helios64, and I can't get shit to build, and it's kinda pissing me off. Also, there's a huge chunk missing in the chassis. It's just a superficial problem, but, on top of everything else, it's kind of insulting.

I just can't get the serial port to work with anything else except their Armbian builds. I don't even know if it's possible.


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>serial port

Okay Grandpa


Well, not a serial port, just serial term via usb-c . I have no clue what else to do, though, except to mess around and hopefully circumnavigate what I think might be a gcc bug.


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went into town today
walked around, went to the atm to get some cash and couldn't immediately remember my pin ive been using since i think 2006
bought a hotdog
walked around and just.. nothing
see people, couples doing their saturday morning thing, going to the market with their baskets and bags, the fishmonger, the bread man, the cheese stall, etc
i get in my van and drive home. the airbag light is flashing


you're the kiwi anon, right?
do you wanna be in my movie?


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what's it about?
lonely 30 y/o losers?



that's really all there is to it.


Is it a documentary?


*erps you*


when riding down hills i put my foot up on the crossbar and let go of the handle-bars
i also wear no helmet nor hi-vis clothing, usually grey clothing
i imagine it gives the impression of careless-ness

i do not perceive the risk to be that high and think it looks cool as well as being an enjoyable way to ride, one should not be so fearful of things that are not high risk


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Most people are like you. People get concussions from simply falling at standing height. You sorely underestimate how fragile you are.

It's important to understand that neglecting your safety doesn't just affect you. It affects the people who might be unnecessarily liable for your injury, and it influences the decisions and biases of others. You're peer pressuring other people into thinking not wearing basic safety equipment is less conspicuous than simply wearing a helmet.



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It's because mooo.com is the actual domain.

It's a free domain name service, lots of people have: something.mooo.com


people growing up firmly rooted to the internet but still don't know how to interpret an FQDN.


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and then there are ludites who still use the command line to operate their computer in day to day operations even though we've had decent guis for almost 20 years


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Occasionally, I'll start getting connection errors from reCaptcha because I'm sending too many requests, and my IP is flagged as suspicious, sometimes by my ISP.


That's the price of free.


I wish I was heckin cute and valid.


people growing up firmly rooted to the internet but still don't know what a DQN is or how to interpret the spirit of tanasinn.


you dont have to wish, you are!


n-no, you don't know what I'm like irl…



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went for a thai massage today
paid for the enjoyment of a small asian woman literally walking and kneeling all over me
it was deep tissue focusing on my lower back where i get pain and it did remove it, kind of, she did a good job
pretty intimate for an 'cel like me


I've been thinking about buying actual whores from this website.



tbh i jerked it before hand so not to be particularly aroused
whoring is legal here but more expensive and it's kinda gross
that said, massage is fucking expensive also


>whoring is legal here

I know it's legal for person-to-person but not commercially.

Yeah I've always been too afraid to actually call any of them.


What a time to be alive I'm able to witness the downfall of human civilization.


What's so bad?


They didn't have any peanut butter ice cream at the store…


I'm a big fan of peanut butter captain crunch.




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Why is this happening


cute cap! wish i had a nice one like that.


Reading about lefthandedness again so I can pretend I'm intellectually gifted


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back hurts again wtf
didn't even do anything stupid just normal work


That sucks. There's nothing you can really do to fix chronic back pain except to prevent further injury with good posture. You can exercize your back muscles and that might aleviate the pain somewhat by reducing the strain on your spine, though.


Can someone please post that webm of the shot from movie where the camera slowly zooms into girl's face while she nods her head to music?


The Japanese girl bruh that shit was wild lmao


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wet shaved all my pubes off


I pluck them. Shaving causes too many bumps. I only stay around the pubic region just above the penis too, so not any of my bits directly. Going onto the base of the shaft or balls just hurts there and the fear of an ingrown is too much. Everything around the genitals though = no pain, very few bumps, no itch, no hairs for weeks, results last weeks, when it finally does start growing back it's just a few hairs here and there, easy to re-pluck if want to.


You could epilate.


to epilate you need to shave down first, since the hairs can only be a few mm to work with the epilator.


Sure, but when you start epilating, all you have to do is to continue to epilate when necessary. It's more efficient like shaving but as effective as plucking.


I guess it's kinda gross, but I honestly just pluck at my desk though. I find plucking really convenient, I can tweeze a few hairs here and there when i get just a few moments, while a game is loading up or while listening to a video that doesn't really need to be watched etc. time I was gonna spend anyway, and i have a small waste bin right next to me.

Epilating requires that I do it in the shower so the mess is contained. It makes a loud annoying buzzing and i have to dedicate a solid chunk of my time to do it all at once. It eats batteries (unless it's an even less convenient mains-powered one) and requires far more cleaning than a set of tweezers. When I used an epilator before (mainly on my legs though) I found I got a lot of breakages rather than plucks. I also have less control over exactly which hairs are grabbed and from exactly which direction they're plucked, I think this is important when you're working near your cummer.

If it works for you, that's great, but epilators just don't fit into the way I do things. Maybe I'll try them again in the future.


for what its worth I've always just used mine while plugged in with a damp towel and water basin


i'll probably just get laser instead.


I only use an electronic shaver to trim because I'm not overly girly and I have soft pubes that's like petting a cat.


why does /what/ bother shaving there, it's not like anyone's ever going to see it


Feels better when you masturbate


I shaved once, felt like I was going to puke anytime I touched my cock. Pretty weird tbh.


Trim don't shave. Trevor taught me to trim my asshole too


because it was a big hairy bush and i was just going to trim it and i did but then i thought fuck it time to look like a boy again

was pretty gentle and there doesnt appear to be any irritation but pubes exist for a reason and now it's gonna feel sweaty for a week or two


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got another deep tissue massage, 90 mins
the woman knew what she was doing and worked the muscles well

she asked if i did yoga because i was very flexible. i showed her my asian squat afterwards


i took the sleeping pills again but i woke up in the middle of the night anyway


Holy shit just remembered a bit from my childhood.
When my family went to the beach I would spend ages trying to swim against the tide and now im reading tons of stories about kids dying by swimming to far out. Literally saved by my lack of aptitude towards swimming. Crazy to think about.


I live in a beach town on the ocean.

You should look up rip currents. They pull people out into the ocean and most people don't know you're supposed to swim sideways out of the current instead of trying to swim to the shore.


Lucky you


No I'd rather live in the middle of nowhere like the ozarks.

Like those 100% white areas of north western Arkansas, with the real deal trailer parks.


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I live in an urban Sithole dirty city. When my roommate from Japan was here he also pointed out how dirty it was compared to Japan and even lived in Hawaii for college before coming to my school and said Hawaii was clean and nice too


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damn only 4 weeks until christmas/new year break
where has the year gone
what have i have even achieved
literally nothing in my life is different


I learned a lot from this thread



what did you learn


I learned about your mom.


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monday gone
tuesday will disappear
so will wednesday
and on it goes


when does it end?




They are using the pandemic as an excuse to cut down my end of the year break to half of its length


Just take the full break anyway


There is a fire drill (probably) at work and I have to evacuate and I bored and lonely outside and it's too hot outside, i wearing a hoodie coz it so cold in the office but it warm outside, i hate this.



whatmin he asked me "why can't you just take it easy?"

it's so rude, it hurt.

the next time he's having a panic attack from his crippling anxiety, i'll just turn and ask "why can't you just take it easy?"

the stupid fucking cunt bf


y u gotta have no chill bruh?


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whatmin, my tummy hurts, kiss it to make it better pls.


*does a cummy on your tummy*


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hmm~ close enough i guess.


There's a mosquito flying around my desk at work, AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!


Whatmin, my boss made a "wife" joke again…


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/what/min and I are going to slay loads of p00sy together at anime girls convention, Anime NYC 2021. You gonna tag along or what?


enjoy your lockdown


wish i were a twink


No, real humans scare me.


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whatmin, my cummer hurts, kiss it to make it better pls.


Post pic to find out!


Twinkle twinkle little twink I wonder how tight your star between your legs are.


It's not happening retard there is covid


Did you even read the message? I said 2021. At least from here, they very definitely intend to go ahead with it next year:
>Stay safe, wear a mask, and we’ll be back November 19-21, 2021!


What part of new York are you from


I feel sad now knowing the pandemic is far from over in America.
Where i am, everything is getting back on track fine and big public events like conventions and stuff are all going ahead again with no problems.


Why is getting a bf so hard? Where do I even meet guys? I read stories here about NEET girls with extensive dating history and whatnot, meanwhile I have a part-time job n I attend uni, but still no bf.


The pandemic is fake news idiot your govt just isn't as corrupt as our kike masters


why do you call people rude names all the time? it just makes you look like a mean bully.


You guys literally tell me to kill myself and say the cruelest shit then pull this when I talk back


Well, when you are going to do it? We are all at the edge of our seats eagerly waiting the day you finally livestream your suicide!



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it's saturday again
passed out last night still with light on and wearing glasses
hadn't even been drinking
was strange
woke up thinking it had just been 5 minutes


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High maintenance means doesn't like pretending to care about your problems.

With me it's not a burden because I can only give a genuine damn that sucks bro.


oki thankie

someone last night called me bro too. i was sitting in on a D&D game, just watching it for now, but someone didn't join so it was just banter and shibposting for an hour waiting for them. then the GM (who invited me) said they were tired and gonna cancel the session.

that was my first tabletop RPG experience i ever had. it looked like fun but they play it a bit too late at night for me to join i think and i'd feel bad if i fell asleep and missed it and they forced to cancel.


Bro is gender-neutral


If the D&D isn't strip based were your character gets raped on bad dice rolls and if you die you serve the GM's dick it isn't worth playing.


By strip based I mean you take your clothes off when you loss HP


I would understand if it was a physical gathering around a tabletop, but i don't think stripping works in an online game like that, or do you mean they literally erotic roleplay?
Actually i think they swapped to Pathfinder, but idk for sure since they didn't actually play anything!


I just spend 200+ USD buying most of my wishlisted video games on gog. For someone who isn't even making money at the moment, I sure am eager to part with it. Now I'm gonna drop 500 or so getting a powersupply, mobo, case, and cooler so that I can take the cpu and gpu out of a prebuilt I was given whose power supply failed and put together a desktop. And then I should drop another 600 or so to get five (5) 6GB hdd's to put in my nas, so I don't catch myself without a desktop and no way to access my only storage medium (nvme) which contains all my private keys. And then I have to get around to paying for my classes for next semester.

I hate myself for doing it, but all those things except video games are kind of practical. And yet the first thing I did was buy video games. I hope to God I can find the determination to get through them all.


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Did what have a good Thanksgiving?


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Thanksgiving must be weird for non-Americans on the internet.


I've thought that way about 9/11, too. Pretty much every country has had their own private atrocity within the generation. Civil war, occupation, etc., but it's not usually spoken about because other countries are small compared to the US, so why is everyone else affected by what was arguably the consequence of the US's own foriegn policy?

It just furthers the notion that the US is the quintessential consumer state. All industries bow down to the American consumer.


Think about two fucking nukes on huge cities and realize 9/11 is a teaspoon to Japan history


think about all the people those soulless insectoids ruthlessly tortured and genocided in the ww2 ya fucking moron


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chinese aren't people you silly billy
nippon banzai


silly billy, wwwwww!!!!



what on earth does "pozzed" mean in the context of bideo games?


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I got this game, stopped playing at iceborne, I reached the icedragon thing but just kept getting one shot and wasnt able to dodge his area sweeping attacks so gave up. I was using the light bowgun, it was fun sending monsters to sleep then using all my explosive barrels around them. Not really enjoying the resource management either


theres a new update with the movie i want to play when it comes out




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wanna buy something
look up online, "that looks good"
"ill buy it next payday"
weekly deposit comes
"hmm, maybe next payday" (for no real reason)
*goes on for 2 months*
close the tab/s without buying anything


whatmin the fag


wibbly wobbly whabmin, i ordered digital piano thing and tablet and cables and stuff, should be arriving in next couple weeks or so. gonna get good at piano again and this time do good at it!

also booked a couple consults for laser hair removal. but I think i kinda messed it up a little since I plucked quite a few hairs again recently, but it should just be consult and test anyway for now, so no big dealio i don't think.


What piano


you little gearslut you, roland RD 88

the only thing for me is it doesn't have a little slot or fixture for a sheet music holder, so I might get a free-standing sheet stand instead and just plonk it behind to put my sheets + tablet on.


I also got a nice cardigan i like, it's not very cute or anything, just something i can wear easily.


Nice why did you pick that one? I want to buy one. Are you going to use ableton with it? How much was it


Is it a girl cardigan?


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I honestly don't know why I picked it out over everything else. I did far less research on it than I normally do with purchases like this. I guess I thought if I hesitated too much, I'd never get anything; I don't want to put it off anymore.

The action felt nice, keys weren't too plastic-y and slippery, in-built speakers are handy since my headphones are falling apart, lots of samples, the piano ones sounded fine to me, support for 3 pedals (though idk if it replicates the functions of an acoustic piano out of the box, also only comes with one flimsy little plastic pedal for sustain but that's fine for now), it does keyboard splitting and layering, which i like but I couldn't figure out how to set it up in the time i was in the store, there's lots of presets though. I don't mind that maybe the piano samples aren't that great compared to some of the more specialized digital pianos. My focus is slightly skewed towards having more synth/electronic capability stuff, since I plan on buying a little baby grand acoustic in the next few years, probably a "cheapo" Kawai or something (still costs like 10k+ grr!!).
It's a big step up from my old yamaha p-something (i think it's a p95). I think that's the most important thing since playing the yamaha was getting tiresome, could only really use the piano samples on it with any seriousness, so it's really encouraging and motivating to have something with lots of features that i can explore and grow into.


yes… but i don't think that should matter to others.


Sometimes when I listen to certain music it makes me want to play piano.


Finally bought the bees knees socks from sock dreams!! Also a bunch of other socks (10 pairs total), cost a bit but not too much.


What do you use it for I want to make beats like grimes


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Mainly piano stuff actually, certainly at first, but would also like to try again with ambient and drone stuff. I have an old analogue synth (alpha juno) that i liked to have fun with but some of the keys don't register anymore.

I don't really do "beats", I gave it a little go but I'm just no good at it and can't get the sound i want. I know it's the thing that definitely requires loads of practice and experimenting and stuff, but it's not for me. Gave a few DAWs a try, and also got an almost-unused hardware sampler/sequencer. Lots of fun to play with but idk what I'm doing and no good for me. I was gonna deliver it to my fren who makes bleep bloop electronic stuff, she only using FL studio and said she'd like something tangible, it'd probably get a lot more use with her than with me. Hopefully it still works, i haven't stored it nicely.

I hope you make lots of nice beats, it's the sort of thing where you can spend lots of money on gear or no money at all (just a pc) it just depends on what you find fun to do.
Tweaking knobs is always lots of fun though tbh.


whabmin what anime girl should i avatarpost with? like which one you think fits my personality?


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Ruka from Steins;Gate


haha he just called you a faggot LOL


whabmin, i miss my bf and my other frens…


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saved this one so i can show my frens later.


guns are scary hate guns


someone's gotta have the gun


It's funny because she is almost certain to turn that gun against herself before age 30.


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snippity snap across the cummer shaft!!


I wish i could get a few nice handguns where i am. Cleaning and maintaining them seems kinda relaxing and plinking is fun and gets me outdoors and a bit of exercise.


Gonna get really high with whatmin and cuddle my bf for hours, then have sex with both of them.


But I'm already circumcised.





got another thai deep tissue massage
she didn't hold back
it was pretty painful actually


Did she give happy ending


I think Iwould enjoy a massage.


no they're a professional therapeutic service
i can do a better job myself anyway


I thought all Asian massages were sex places



only the ones with neon signs in the window
like i said earlier in the blog; prostitution is legal here and they make more than enough through legitimate therapeutic service


nothing's more therapeutic than a pair of freshly drained balls


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it's crate day in new zealand today
a proud nz tradition
first saturday of summer you buy a "crate" which is a timber box of 12 700ml bottles of beer and if you're a man drink the whole thing or share it

i bought a bottle of ouzo instead because i have no friends



>encouraging people to mark the first Saturday of summer by buying a crate of beer.
this confused me for a minute


But it clearly says New Zealand in the first line!!


My dresses aren't gaudy…


FUCK Victorians
FUCK Lelbourne
FUCK Poo Zealanders
FUCK the Liberals
FUCK the greens
FUCK Boomers
FUCK Chinks and Pajeets

Love me Western Australia
Love me Queensland
Love me Hungry Jacks
Love me Brownes Banana Chill
Love me FIFO work
Love me Great Northern Super Crisp
Love me Mum


yeah i know but i don't think about new zealand or really any south hemisphere country often enough to always remember that the seasons are wrong


They're not wrong, they're just different!
Please don't bully them!!


no refunds


wish i had different seasons want it to be warm right now


Christmas in summer is wrong.


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Look whabmin, I just finished setting up my new tablet, installed some apps, just waiting for piano to arrive in the mail. Very tanoshimi!!


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How do you make it look like that I wanna do it to my Android. And what apps do you use


Seattle rise up, to bed


i don tknow much about pianos but i dont think you should plant flowers in there i think it would either hurt the flowers or the piano


yeah it doesn't make much sense traditional wise but it's more beer round the bbq kinda thing
the whole country basically shuts for 2 weeks and people can enjoy the summer

halloween in the middle of spring is also silly, as is easter in the midst of autumn

everything is backwards lol


I live in a desert where it's perpetual Summer, so no holiday makes sense here. Yet, people still do it. They insist on wearing sweaters and scarves once fall approaches, despite the fact that we still have highs of 40C, and Canadians will come down here in bermuda shorts and sunglasses.


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the back of my neck is comparatively tanned/burned
im literally a redneck


rednecks were called that because members of the coal workers labor movement wore red neckerchiefs



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>The refusal to reduce life to work, under the conditions of classical industrial labour, has given way to an enthusiastic embracing of and over-identification with doing one’s job. Today, according to Berardi, we value work so much so that it “has become the central locus of psychic and emotional investment,” effectively channeling our desire for creativity and sociality towards the enterprise of realizing ourselves through our employment."


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NEET pride world wide


I think about that a lot, especially when it comes to Silicon Valley. I always found it weird that there are a lot of right-wing Americans who would dismiss those startup hipsters as "socialists" simply because of the lifestyles they lead; they themselves my don the term, and yet those "socialists" tend to own (or aspire to own) insanely valuable assets and spend all their waking hours working, even going so far as to use drugs to enhance their work performance. They seem more like super capitalists in that respect. It's just absurd, because that accusation kind of implies that, in order to be a capitalist, you need to be a Christian living an ostensibly Christian (which is to say fundamentalist) lifestyle; that can't be further from the truth

It just goes to show that your values are better reflected in actions than words.


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Chifir (Russian: чифирь, romanized: čifir) is an exceptionally strong tea, associated with and brewed in Soviet and post-Soviet detention facilities such as gulags and prisons.


> in order to be a capitalist, you need to be a Christian
it's the opposite


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solid slept from 10pm through to 6am
i was gonna watch some anime at night but was too tired as often happens


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I've been watching Mitsudomoe


I wish I was tired like a normal human. I just have like 4-5 hours sleep a night instead of feeling tired during the night so im just like awake in bed and its annoying.


Beach bunny released a new song video and now I have a crush on her again


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what is your vitamin d intake like?


This girl is very cute


I recently read that too much vitamin d decreases bone density. I've been taking 10000iu but I'm dripping back to five. I also take vitamin k 2 though but I don't think people in the study did


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pornhub deleted all videos that aren't by approved accounts
there's like zero JAV now


I never watched jav here since ever


This is why I couldn't find the femdom I was looking for


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I put a new lightbulb in my bedside lamp and it's WAAAY brighter and now I can't sleep because it feels like it's already morning.

This is awful.


Do you sleep with a light on


Not usually.
I like using a very dim light that isn't even much good for reading. I can fall asleep with it on without too much aggravation, but I mainly just use it to wind down and prepare for sleep; it helps with the circadian rhythm.

This one too bright for that though.


I got a nice scented candle as an early christmas present for myself and now I fall asleep with it burning and it gives just enough light for me to easily fall asleep but still see my surroundings. it also makes me feel like i live in an old timey scenario and is very ii ne


Someone stole all my clothes from the laundry room


WTF, go get them back!


How. I'm so fucking depressed I feel like crying


You file a police report and also contact the building owner. They almost always have cameras in the laundry rooms (or just outside them). They see someone took them, they might even recognize who it was and can retrieve it.

Depending on your jurisdiction, you might claim compensation. You can claim on insurance if you have anything that would cover it too.


I filled one just now the cop came to my room.


I told him smaller amounts than it actually was I'm so dumb it's probably 1000 worth of clothes I says line 350


I really wish I had the mental capacity to just kill my abuser and myself I'm sick of this shit

And my clothes had lots of sentimental value to my my favorite clothes all gone


I wish I would never wake up


That is sad news. I hope things turn out ok for you. I do not live in an apartment complex so I never have to worry about my clothes being stolen




Once, somebody stole my sandals off my porch. Another time my wind chimes. It's weird what people will steal.


I'm sorry you have to live with that. I'm surrounded by drugies but I've never had to deal with thieves


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drinking lipton lemon iced tea and also coconut water, summer~

started watching haruhi


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I moved into a new apartment in Tokyo on the 10th floor this week. Since I was a teenager, I couldn't wait to live alone and fulfill my dreams of being a hikikomori. Along the way I lived with different roommates over time and while it was fun, I always wanted that extra space to myself. Something was always missing in my life, so I chased it all the way here. Now I finally have a place all to myself. I can be a hikikomori. I'm finally alone. That something missing was never found, all there is is more and more emptiness, and I can't help thinking about how quick and easy it would be to jump off my 10th story balcony.


How can you be a hikikomori as a foreigner though? Don't you have to work?


is private housing not available wherever you are originally from?


Please jump. You just realized your entire life was leading up to this.




I don't mean it but you are still super retarded if your life long dream was to go to a foreign country to be locked up in your room forever.



This is good news. I am glad everything is ok. It makes me happy to learn your clothes have been found.


schitzo self-own KEK


But I love you…


woke up and still dont have a beach bunny gf


you can have me instead, sometimes people say i'm cute kinda.


I really did self own I wonder what my unconscious is doing to me


we will help repopulate pornhub content together


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whatmin i love you


I'm tired of dumb boy talk…


Link me some asmr porn


*holds your hand*


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what is this silly bish doing up in my ear


Kyaaaaaa don't be so nice to me so suddenly like that!!


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I think this video is hilarious but can anyone translate it?



Oh is this one of those induction cookers I've heard about?


japanese math rock to listen while strolling around in the cherry blossoms

A warm hug disguised as a Japanese Indie Folk playlist

Lo-fi for Ghosts (Only)


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Die tranny


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I also love whatmin, possibly even more than the other whatfren!




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>thinking about whatmin


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bump limi test


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went for a dusk stumble about the grounds last friday
laid down on the grass for a while, pulled my trousers down exposing my cock
i dont think anyone saw because there's no immediate neighbors and it was kinda dark by then
i cant even remember walking back


Did the /what/friend who was building a Helios64 get it working? It seems like it's really good value for money and I was gonna get their second batch but it probably won't arrive until the end of next year around there.



Well, it always worked. It was just that I couldn't get Mobian to build with zfs because of a bug with gcc, which I think people figured out how to get around, but I ended up giving up and switching to btrfs. Between the Helios64 and the GnuBee, I figured the former was the better choice because it actually had an enclosure that would protect the board from dust. Most of the price is in the hard drives themselves, anyways.

When I got mine, there was a chunk taken out of the enclosure, presumably in the finishing process. Bad fqa, I guess, but it doesn't really make a difference. I took those hot pink trays and spray painted them black so they didn't stick out, but those are all cosmetic things.

There's also the built-in ups, which is nice, and its relatively low power consumption, compared to the big ones. Besides that, I don't have much to say, since I literally just sshfs into it when I need it. Maybe you should ask /hsg/ or browse some discussions on rbt, too, if you're uncertain, because I really don't have enough insight to say whether or not it's anymore than adequate.


Does anyone have that webm where the lonely girl sits in her extremely messy room and says something like: "i have all of these cute things, but i have no one to share them with :<"?


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my work colleague dragged me into town to get christmas gifts for my parents when i came out i hadnt got anything (wasn't planning to)

anyway we entered one of those cosmetic stores to buy one of their gift box things and the difference between his energetic and charismatic personality and me the awkward quiet autist..

it was full of people, mainly young women and he just start chatting loudly with one of the young shop foids who he knew from some other shop where she once worked, and just constantly joking and making them laugh

and i could barely get a word out and just felt awkward. like night and day
like his internal filter is set to very low and mine is very high
god it was awful, to be like this is a cursed existence


I don't think being reticent means you have a high internal filter. You can always say something ill-advised, even if you seldom say anything.

I think it's good to cherish friendly gestures. Unfortunately, they're not as valuable as they might seem, which is all the more reason to appreciate them when you can get it and to not get too caught up in immature preconceptions of what are identity is and how we feel inclined to behave.

I usually just buy stuff for family that's younger than I am. Mostly just graphic novels, because they're cheap and the recipients can open them up and enjoy them for an hour while they're in the car.


Stole a candy cane from the reception desk at work, haha they can't arrest me coz it was my last day until the new year, teehee~!!


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whartmin am I going to die if I eat these?


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Absolutely, garbanzo beans aren't supposed to look like that at all.


will never understand western artists obsession with vile art




Uzaki is so cute


I just got an email saying they lowered my credit line because of delinquency on my other credit card wtf. I'm worried my other credit card will get blocked too. I didn't know they did it to other accounts I'm scared this is what I live off of

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