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I really want a fumo but I'm afraid my dad is going to kick me out when he sees it


You can live with me, but only if you cosplay and let me stick it in you.



you mean the cute touhou pluhie things? why wouodl he kick you out for that? it's not like a sexual fig thi8ng


I'm not very handsome you wouldn't let me in
nevertheless he'd be disappointed I don't want to come out as one of those people yet I'm not ready


Dolls are cutest nothing compares


cute doll


could someone repost that really nice doll with nice blond hair

I can't find it anywhere, I think it was posted before the board got wiped


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nah that's not it, it was far more anime-y and she had basically no nose and it was a close up of her head, regarding the hair colour I might be misremembering, maybe she wasn't purely blonde and it might even been brown hair with highlights


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So she wasn't blonde?


she could've been… it was a light colour

I find these too realistic and uncanny valley creepy looking…


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WTF are these creepy dolls I thought fumos were those cute plushie stuffier animals ones I was gonna buy a bunch of tohoo ones and make fun of whatmins and bully him with pics of them holding notes for him


That explains why you don't have any white incel lol


What was that post?

Feels bad if you bullied him into deleting it.


Your dyslexia is showing.


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You're a very special kind of retarded I can see why whatmin and you are so tight.


Yeah well at least I'm not an ugly homosexual pedophile like you lmao


bullshit I bet your rudeness is driving good posters away


You're him gaslighting me back off before you get bodied again incel


keep talking shit about me you'll see what happens


Incel rage 😂


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Not even close but a lot can be said about you go whine to whatmin bitch boy it's all you two are good for.


sure thing uggopedobro


Don't you have a toilet to unclog lmao


very cute

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