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I can't fucking deal with being a 5'11" manlet emperor. I can never be a man. Also 6.5 inch dick is small I never really looked at mine but it's a micropenis compared to porn dick


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>Also 6.5 inch dick is small I never really looked at mine but it's a micropenis compared to porn dick
The girls are smaller than you think dumbass.

Imagine a 5'2" 130lbs female compared to your dick in real life.


>5'2" 130lbs

you mean a giant lardass? how fat are you to think 130 lbs and 5'2" isn't fat? wtf. also i like taller girls, like 5'7


so im googling 5'2 130 lbs and they dont even look fat wtf.

i am 5'11 and used to weigh 130 lbs, and i only went up to 150 from muscle after i started exercising and got skinnyfat

like wtf, i dont get how i can be 9-10 inches taller than them and weigh 130, i guess im usually 140ish but i was just a skinny guy at 130 i would expect them to be way fatter that much shorter.


When I was younger, I used to be insecure about my height because I was tall for an Asian. I went to Taiwan, and I overshadowed everyone. I was kind of glad that I topped out at 5'11, although I think I may have reached 6' at the end of my adolescence. I just don't think it's an issue, but that might be an Asian perspective. I think it's absurd that men resent woman who would judge them for superficial attributes they can't control. Like, it just doesn't make sense.

Also, the taller you are, the more muscle mass you need to build to have decent proportions. Gains are easy when you're lanky. All the tall people I knew were lanky.

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