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File: 1600617076847.jpg (408.55 KB,1920x1080,2020-09-20-114616_1920x108….jpg) iqdb


Damn Yukiko don't be wearing that around Inaba at night wtf…


yeah all my japanese friends told me it's not safe for women to walk around many parts of japan at night. i'm sick of the fucking retarded weebs acting like japan is a paradise. All of their iPhones were literally locked to have a sound with the camera taken, it's literally mandatory in Japan, you can't by a phone that lets you take silent photos because of all the creeps in Japan taking photos, and groping on trains and shit is a problem tehre too.

Meanwhile weeb retards act like Japan is perfect. They are right about stuff being stolen though, my roommate and the weebs who went there said no one ever steals shit, one guy left a phone somwhere at a train station and he went back and his phone was still there


>All of their iPhones were literally locked to have a sound with the camera taken, it's literally mandatory in Japan
It's all their phones, not just iPhones. When I was there (2014) and put a Japanese sim card into my android phone, it disabled the camera app's ability to play no shutter sound, like it just forced a shutter sound on. I found it really weird how the app detects the sim card and was programmed to change its behavior accordingly. It also forced a recording light if it was doing video instead. There are probably other camera apps that ignore/circumvent this though, so it's not actually a big deal.


that's pretty cool, but all japanese people use iphones, no one there except whitoid weebcels like you use android. i bet on the japan app store there are no alternative camera apps that hide hte sound, so nice try taking pics of underage asians you fucking pedophile

i like it better that way it prevents mean bullies taking pics i'm wondering what it does for video though lol i never went that deeply with my japanese friends


oh you said what it does for video lol i skipped that part cool.

i like that tbh because then i know no one is recording me


I imagine there's a sizeable niche for Sony phones just because of nationalism. It's too bad Sony's phones are so un-competitive. Furthermore, although the locked shutter solves the problem, it's pretty unethical.


if you were dedicated enough you could just disconnect the speaker


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Oh yeah, anyone dedicated enough could circumvent the thing.
You don't even have to go that far, only an apk file is needed to install a new camera app and there are undoubtedly ones that don't give a shit about some obscure Japanese specific camera regulation.

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