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just watched an episode of magic school bus where they investigate water

would be ok for a kid explaining scientific stuff but for a 30y/o adult it is kind of cringe with it's unironic "diverse 90s cast"
and other 90s cringe


This was the only show my parents let me watch as a kid. I saw every episode and played every computer game


Well, I think most media for education and public access tries to be diverse in order to appeal to the broadest demographic they can reach. White people relate to white people, asians to asians, and so on.


>computer game
I really liked the ocean one! I loved just booting it up and playing the sandcastle minigame, that was the best one to me, but i also liked the rest of the game too!

What one did you like the most??

I also liked the tv series too but it's too hard for me to pick just one episode out with those. I think I can narrow it down to the solar system one, the pickle one, and the internal combustion engine one. Also the one with the bees! wwww


uh idk, my favorite minigame in the ocean one, idk, might have been that crab one. man idk which game i liked best, i probably played the ocean one most tho. i was rewatching old gameplay videos of them on youttube today. there was this monkey minigame in the rainforest one i liked.


favorite episode i can't pick, i barely remember them and honestly those memories are from the worst time of my chlidhood when my parents beat me every day and everyone at school bullied me even my teachers so it's kind of "repressed", idk i guess ill go rewatch old ones now to frefresh. like i used to record all the episodes on vhs tapes and literally had the wholes series on vhs tapes from recording pbs


now that i think about it my best memories from that time are books i read, or just being alone in my room daydreaming, or that time from transitioning from being awake to aseep when i'd see fractals on my eyelids

the haunted house episode was fun, you know i think i liked halloween ones, wasn't there another. i gotta go back and remember now.

all the games had like different art styles to them, inide the earth had a different feel to it


btw if you liked magic school bus did you ever read the animporphs books? those were a lot of fun


basically the way im treated on what and the jpsphere is how i was treated in elementary school by everyone, that's probably why i stay here, its some repression trauma need to relive it or something like it's all i know or someting, guess im not healed from it thats y i stay here reliving that hell of the second half of the 90s



oh shit htis game too lol remember this one? even the sounds and shit are nostalgic



i swear i remember music in this area idk





this game was some stanley kubrick shit


did you ever play treasure galaxy or treasuwre cove



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