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I am an unfuckable worthless loser. I cannot hold a conversation. I am ugly and balding, my chin melts into my neck because I don’t have a jawline, I am not fat either. I am very unintelligent, I am slow to grasp what others are saying. People call me annoying to my face when I just try to “be myself” and tell me to go away.

I am a failure in every sphere of life. Lifting weights didn’t improve me. Striking up random conversations didn’t help me, I either go totally blank because I’m trying to introspective during the conversation and come up with something to say that won’t offend or bother, or I “be myself” and annoy the other person. I have never and will never attract a single human female. I am too stupid to do anything worthwhile in life, I will always live some barely getting by shitty lifestyle because I don’t have enough intelligence or interpersonal skills to get good paying jobs.

In light of these things, why should I continue to live? What purpose do I serve?


Just think how many dumb and pointless posts you can spam on /what/ if you stay alive!


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do something amazing


Have you tried getting a certificate in communication? That might help if you struggle to interact with people.

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