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hang yourself petiatil, ugly loser tranny australoid


the fug is your problem dude


Who was there for you to cry to when you were gonna jump off that bridge?
Who was there for you to cry to when you were so sure of going shooting with a friend, only to blow your own brains out?

You have every opportunity to show some humility to the only friend you really had for years but you lash out aggressively and arrogantly. You display no respect for anyone here and in turn i can show no respect for you.

But I will not tell you to kill yourself, not now.


I barely ever talked to you I have closer online friends on irc and discord

And idk what you're talking about going shooting with a friend you weirdo, I don't remember you telling me not to since I talk about suicide to everyone but I do remember you actually shaming me for leaving credit card debt to the bankers instead of paying them before I kill myself. Like yeah you're that gross anyway You're fake passive aggressive and you even told me to kill myself here a few days ago here so yeah fuck off and do it already your life is more dull than mine I'd kill myself if I woke up as you


Why do irc and discord people always have to bring their drama with them to anonymous imageboards?


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Inject that shit into my veins


Just leave me alone.


Says the person who keeps bullying me pretending to be someone else

Kill yourself


whatmin is a fag and faggots love drama.


you shouldn't really expect anything, let alone decent human behavior from narcissists

they treat people as mere attention dispensers and are always parasitic in their relationship with anyone

if you already haven't, cut all contact immediately for your own sake


My gf was a narcissist I'm like that as a defense mechanism


Who are these fags lol

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