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Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance.


how is it by chance if death is inevitable?
and so surely it shows strength if it prolongs itself despite the inevitable, right?


You have no reason or meaning to exist you didn't choose being born yet you prolong your death because you are scared of ceasing to exist but you will die by circumstances you can't choose anyway and basically you're a weak pathetic pussy with literally no worth or point


i'm sorry, your emno teen reasoning is too strong for me.


It's a quote from Jean-Paul Sartre, one of the greatest philosophers in history. The reality is you're just low IQ. Your real life retardation allows you to live in simple shallow thoughts and ignorant bliss. You will never have an awareness beyond your tranny passive aggressive narcissism


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I know this philosopher too because I played Nier Automata and they have a robot named after him.


>choosing to be sad is high iq




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>Jean-Paul Sartre
>one of the greatest philosophers in history.


I'm scared to play it cuz I don't enjoy things anymore and it will be ruined


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Just start using drugs and only play video games on them so it's not a wasted experience.


What drugs




Uh I was thinking more along the lines of dissociatives


Vitamin D 5000 IU


I take that every day


duude you must be trippin


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