[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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Why is ota down all the time now?


because you touch yourself at night


gosh i love sailor moon and other 90s anime


I love Japan, period.


I've been running ota purely out of habit for a long time now and since I hate every retard that still posts there I've decided it's time to finally pull the plug

I designate what-ch as its successor



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Can you give some proof you're otamin?

Big sad if true but I kinda don't habeeb it.


Big sad


chake it eajy


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teenmin has difficult with technology, please be patient and understanding


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the site got taken down because there was CP on /om/
otamin is probably in jail right now


wasnt it just the usual spammer that links to some site where he tries to sell cp?
I think the fbi only gets you if you're hosting the images or vids


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I'd be nice if Otamin posted something anywhere else or talked out.


He posted on 4/qa/ when ota was down for a while


ota ded this year for sure


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Oatmeal probably took a whole 2 days to upgrade to vichan

At least it's not dead.


Do you think otamin forgot how php works and is reading a bunch of tutorials right now?


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You don't necessarily have to know anything about PHP to run vichan.

He's either:

1) Switching to a new hosting provider after possibly getting banned for sexualized anime content (IP address is now in a hosting company in UK, wasn't it in Italy?)

2) Just upgrading to Vichan and taking a long time

3) The new hosting server is running an updated PHP 7.4 version, and Vichan has fucked up formatting without manually editing the source code right now based off a Github discussion on the issue tracker


>IP address is now in a hosting company in UK, wasn't it in Italy
Cool, we're leaving the EU

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